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Command Line Utilities Overview

Inferno includes commands in the following categories:

Namespace Operations

bind, mount, unmount - change name space
nsbuild - build Inferno name space

Process Status, Control

kill - terminate process(es)
ps - thread status
shutdown - shut down system/emulator
slayer - remove broken threads
sleep - suspend execution for an interval
stack - examine call stack

File and Directory Operations

cat - concatenate files
cd - change working directory
chmod - change file mode (permissions)
cmp - compare files
cp - copy files
diff - differential file comparator
ls - list contents of directory
mkdir - make a directory
mv - rename/move files
pwd - print working directory
rm - remove file(s)
tail - show last part of a file

Network Status, Control

rcb - remote call back
netstat - summarize network connections


limbo - Limbo compiler


cs - start connection server daemon
srv - start server daemons

Command Execution, Control

os - interface OS commands (hosted Inferno only)
rcmd - remote command execution
sh - command line interface to the Inferno system


date - print the date
du - disk usage
echo - print arguments
gettar, lstar, puttar - tar archive utilities
grep - search file(s) for a pattern
mathcalc - interface to a TclLib calculator module
p - paginate
setupsigner, setupuser, startclient, startserver - quick setup network utilities
time - time command execution
unicode - interpret Unicode characters
wc - count lines, words, and characters
wish - interface to the Tk graphics toolkit

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