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cp - copy files

cp  	fromfile tofile
cp  	fromfile... todir
cp -r 	fromdir... todir


In the first form, fromfile is any name and tofile is any name except an existing directory.

In the second form, the commands copy one or more fromfiles into a todir under their original file names, as if by a sequence of commands in the first form. For example:

   cp f1 f2 dir

is equivalent to:

   cp f1 dir/f1;  cp f2 dir/f2

When the cp command copies the contents of plain (non-directory) files fromfile to tofile, the mode and owner of tofile are preserved if it already exists; otherwise the mode of fromfile is used.

-r The -r option directs cp to recursively copy the named directories (fromdir's) to the target directory (todir), the last entry on the command line.

Note: This option should not be used on file systems with cycles in the namespace.


The cp command refuses to copy files onto themselves.

See Also

cat - concatenate files
stat, fstat, fwstat, wstat - get and put file status in Chapter 8

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