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wc - count lines, words, and characters

wc [-lwceb] [file...]


The wc command sends to standard output a tally of lines, words, and characters found in the named UTF text files. If no files are named, standard input is read. One line is output per file. If multiple files are specified, an additional total line is produced.

Values are output in decimal format and are output in the same order as the listing of options (below).

The whitespace characters used in this calculation are:
' ' (blank)
'\t' (tab)
'\n' (newline)

A word is defined to be a sequence of non-whitespace characters separated by one or more whitespace characters.

-l (default) Count lines
-w (default) Count words
-c (default) Count characters
-e Count erroneously encoded characters
-b Count bytes

See Also

UTF, Unicode, ASCII - character set and format in Appendix A

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