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kill - terminate process(es)

kill [-g] pid
kill [-g] module


The kill command terminates the process (numeric argument) or module (non-numeric argument) by sending a kill string to the corresponding ctl file. Processes running a named module are identified by their status file.
-g This option specifies that the message be killgrp, requesting that all processes in the process group (see pctl - process control in Chapter 8) be terminated.

When processes are terminated by module name, the ID numbers of the terminated processes are printed to standard output.


$ bind `#p' /prog
$ ps
       1        1        evb    release     1K Sh[$Sys]
       5        1        evb        alt     7K Cs
       6        1        evb      ready     1K Ps[$Sys]
$ kill Cs



See Also

prog - interface to running programs in Chapter 2

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