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tail - show last part of a file

tail [ +-number[lbc][rf]] [file]
tail [-fr] [-n nlines] [-c ncharacters] [file] 


Tail copies the named file to the standard output beginning at a designated place. If no file is named, the standard input is copied.

Copying begins at position +number measured from the beginning, or -number from the end of the input. Number is counted in lines, 1K blocks or characters, according to the appended flag l, b, or c. Default is -10l (ten ell).

The further flag r causes tail to print lines from the end of the file in reverse order; f (follow) causes tail, after printing to the end, to keep watch and print further data as it appears.


Print the last 10 lines of a file:

tail file 

Print a file, and continue to watch data accumulate as it grows.

tail +0f file 

According to custom, option +number counts lines from 1, and counts blocks and characters from 0.

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