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rcb - remote call back

rcb [-C alg] host command(s)


The rcb command arranges for the execution of a command or a group of commands on the the input line by the host machine. The sending of a group of commands must be separated by line feed (\n) characters. This command is used to allow client devices to be remotely set up for network operation.

On the host machine, a thread that monitors port 6675 for remote call back execution of commands sent by rcb.

The rcb command will use the certificate in the file


if that file exists. Otherwise, rcb will attempt to find a certificate in the file


-C alg Specify the algorithm, alg, used in the authentication. See ssl - secure sockets layer device in Chapter 2 for the supported algorithms. The default is no algorithms.

See Also

netready - change from standalone to network mode
rcbsrv - remote call back server in Chapter 6

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