
Today policemen directing traffic in Paris have cellular phones on their belts, parents picking up children for school call ahead on cellular phones, and business people find they can close deals nearly anywhere with their portable cellular phone. Mobility, ease of use, safety, access any time are just a few reasons the wireless telephone has become so popular.

The wireless world has a variety of choices. Analog cellular is widely available in metropolitan, suburban and small town areas, except a few very rural areas. Newly added, digital cellular improves both transmission quality and call capacity although the phones cost more. The FIVE Facility will hold hands-on wireless retrofit demonstrations in December. See "What's New in the Five Facility" for details.

Personal Communication Systems are on new frequencies and are designed for areas like campuses, medical centers, convention halls, or even walking the neighborhood. Personal Communication Systems (PCS) are planned to be low cost, low mobility, and limited distance communication systems.

Lucent Technologies has many wireless products and services. Information about these wireless offerings will be added to this home page in the near future.

More details are available through Lucent Technologies customer representatives or by email request to this Home Page site.