What's New in FIVE

Service Announcement System (SAS)

A Service Announcement System (SAS) is being added to the FIVE Facility, the SAS circuitry will be located in SM 7. The SAS feature produces a high capacity announcement system that provides both Recorded Announcement Facility(RAF)and new capabilities. SAS is developed for use on switching modules and increases the announcement capacity, while remaining compatible with existing RAF hardware and announcement administration. A SAS has a far greater capacity than a RAF as the memory boards on SAS will have the ability to hold 20,000 announcement seconds.

Subscriber Line and Instrument Measurement Circuit (SLIM)

A Subscriber Line and Instrument Measurement Circuit (SLIM) has been installed and tested in the FIVE Facility on EXM-2000. This feature provides metallic (electrical) testing via the Trunk and Line Work Station (TLWS) interface using the SLIM system. This feature provides similar functions to those provided by the Directly Connected Test Unit (DCTU) but at a reduced cost.

Version 5.0 of the AT&T NI14 and NI35 ISDN Sets

Version 5.0 was released at the end of 1995 and is currently available for purchase. The NI14 and NI35 are orderable in either a T-interface or a U-interface. Each set is functional on a National ISDN line or a custom ISDN line. The set has an auto-detect capability so that the set can determine if the line is National ISDN or Custom. All voice and data capabilities of these sets can be demonstrated in the FIVE Facility.

Integrated Services Line Unit Model 2 (ISLU2)

The Integrated Services Line Unit Model 2 (ISLU2) is a new 5ESS®-2000 Switch line unit that supports digital U and T interfaces on the Switching Module and the SM-2000. Each U and T line pack contains eight (8) separate line circuits. Each line circuit can be assigned to a customer separately. Failures on a single line can be isolated and spared independently of the other line circuits within the same circuit pack. Operations can be performed on a pack level affecting all eight (8) assigned lines, or individual circuits affecting just one line circuit.

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