5ESS Switch Spans The Globe

5ESS Switch Spans the Globe

5ESS®-2000 Switch products and services have been developed by a multi-national team of engineers and scientists, located throughout Lucent Technologies' global research and development community. These experts are united in the goal of helping network operators respond to, and provide leadership within, the various markets they serve.

Since its introduction in the 1980s, the 5ESS® Switch has undergone changes and refinements in response to new market needs and advances in technology. Today's 5ESS®-2000 Switch builds on the wealth of experience gained from extensive, long-term deployment. It is the latest platform in this continuum of evolving excellence. Network operators world wide, can rely on the 5ESS®-2000 Switch for the processing capacity, performance and reliability needed to support a full range of telecommunications services.

Global telecommunications are rapidly growing - in both sophistication and scope - to meet the needs of businesses and consumers. This growth, in turn, is placing more demanding requirements on exchange switching systems.

Network operators want and need exchanges which excel in many respects. Chief among these are:

The Lucent Technologies 5ESS®-2000 Switch meets these and other critical requirements.

Lucent Technologies is committed to creating superior solutions for network operators. We understand the ultimate worth of our technology is determined by our customers - through their perceptions and experiences of how Lucent's products and services help them solve problems and create new opportunities for their success.

More details are available through Lucent Technologies customer representatives or by email request to this Home Page site.