International Telecommunication Services
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An international switching centre or gateway exchange links a national telephone network to other telephone networks throughout the world. For network operators, these exchanges have special significance for their revenue potential. The volume of calls, coupled with subscribers' regular use of operator assistance and other lucrative services, typically generate significant revenues.

Helping network operators generate more revenue is what distinguishes international services on the 5ESS®-2000 Switch. Lucent Technologies has specially designed the 5ESS®-2000 Switch Gateway to fulfill every requirement expected of an international switching centre -- and to do so better than any other switch.

Healthy revenue growth also requires a highly reliable switching system. Reliability is one of the foremost advantages of the 5ESS®-2000 Switch Gateway. This platform leads the industry with an average of less than one minute of "down time" per year. Every component must meet stringent quality controls and pass factory tests prior to installation.

International Revenue Sharing Records

International services on the 5ESS®-2000 Switch can automatically generate the records that each network operator needs for revenue settlements with international carriers. These records supply all required International Accounting Data (IAD), including incoming and transit (trunk) calls that would not generally be captured in detailed billing records. If desired, the network operator can record information on incomplete calls as well as completed calls.

This automated record-keeping capability helps network operators collect the full amount of revenue due from other carriers. The collected data can also assist maintenance personnel in properly provisioning each international switching centre to meet the changing needs of subscribers.

More details are available through Lucent Technologies customer representatives or by email request to this Home Page site.