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Tiger Team

The most effective way by far to uncover and correct security weaknesses in any system is to simulate a determined attempt to penetrate the system just like a real attacker would. This method is commonly known in the industry as assembling a "Tiger Team." Once assembled the Tiger Team's purpose is to systematically attempt to exploit all known and suspected security holes in order to discover vulnerabilities.

Crossbar approaches each Tiger Team assignment differently. We research the unique details of each client's systems and networks, including such aspects as how their machines appear to an outside attacker, who provides their network connectivity, and phone company listings, possibly revealing dialup modems. Because each client is different, we treat them as such and do not simply use prepackaged software to scan for vulnerabilities. We simulate the real thing, by doing the things actual intruders would do, and log every keystroke. Our final report contains detailed logs of our actions so technical staff can see where the problems lie, play by play.

Crossbar's principals have a 100% success rate in penetrating clients' systems on Tiger Team projects, and a commitment to flushing out all of your vulnerabilities. "No brag, just fact."

Secure Code Review

To insure maximum security, we will review, find and correct security weaknesses in the source code of your custom software and applications.

Policy Audit and Review

Crossbar will review your company's existing security policy and help you update or create a new one from scratch if necessary.

Security Training

We will train your employees to be aware of what they need to do to maintain the security of your company and its systems. This training includes everything from how to properly dispose of old computer backups and printouts, to how to avoid being the victim of "social engineering." We also teach the art of Intrusion Detection-- how to tell if one or more uninvited intruders are sneaking around in your systems and networks. What signs to look for, and most importantly, how to react without antagonizing the intruder into causing further damage.


If you've just experienced an intrusion, don't touch anything! Immediately call us, and we will carefully examine the crime scene on-site to determine what was done, and the possible motives of the intruder. We will work with your staff to figure out exactly what went wrong, and how to prevent it from happening again. We understand the sensitivity of this scenario, and must stress that the crime scene be as untainted by staff as possible. This has a direct impact on the ability to gather clues and evidence.


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