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Chapter 5. Cvičenie 4/Practice 4 - Role Based Access Controls

5.1. Exercise
5.2. Introduction
5.3. Practice
5.3.1. Demonstration
5.4. Feedback

5.1. Exercise

Role-based access control (RBAC) is a general security model that simplifies administration by assigning roles to users and then assigning permissions to those roles. RBAC in Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) acts as a layer of abstraction between the user and the underlying type-enforcement (TE) model, which provides highly granular access control but is not geared for ease of management. Learn how the three pieces of an SELinux context (policy, kernel, and userspace) work together to enforce the RBAC and tie Linux® users into the TE policy.
Role Based Access Controls (RBAC) offer a system or security administrator a means to define a role of some sort. In our example below we’ll be using a web admin role.