
Paros Proxy
Mini FAQ



Installation Steps

1. Ensure Java Run Time Enviroment (JRE) 1.4 (or above) was installed. If not, goto http://java.sun.com/j2se to download and install it.

2. Download the Paros program file from our website.

3(a). For Windows version, just follow the instructions in the setup program. Shortcuts will then be created. Click the desktop shortcut to run the program.

3(b). For Unix or other plateforms, unzip all the files in a new directory manually. Click the .jar file or type 'javaw -jar paros.jar' at command prompt to run the program.  Unix users may also need to change the file permission of the unziped package so that the files will not be world-writable.

4. Paros uses two ports. Port 8080 for proxy connection and port 8443 for internal SSL handling. So, make sure these two ports are not in use by other applications. You can change the ports and other settings in the "Options" tag of the program.

5. Open web browser such as IE, configure the proxy with proxy name "localhost" and proxy port "8080" for both HTTP and HTTPS. Note that port 8443 is used by Paros itself, and not for the use of web browser.

6. If your PC is running behind firewall and can only access Internet through a pre-defined proxy, you need to modify the proxy setting in Paros. Just click the tab "Options" tag and modify the two fields "ProxyName" and "ProxyPort".

ALL DONE! You can now test the security of your websites and intercept all the data among the server and client easily.


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