The simplest magnetic stripe writer


L. Padilla


After I successfully finished my tests of the simplest magnetic stripe reader, I started the next natural project: a writer as simple as the reader. While I had read contradictory informations, it was my believe that it is possible to write tracks using a magnetic head from an old music cassette player. This was further confirmed when I accidentally erased a couple of cards using my reader without a capacitor coupled with the microphone input (see the details).

I did some tests and finally I was able to write low density tracks, that later I could read successfully. However I found some problems with high density tracks. While I was able to write them, I couldn't get any successful read out of them. My research showed that there seemed to be a problem handling the higher frequencies associated with high density tracks when compared to low density tracks. I started to study whether a pass-band filter in the writer might help, but then I got busy with other subjects and the work was never finished.

Therefore all the work has been kept unpublished for many years. However every now and then some people e-mailed me asking for this kind of information. This has triggered me to gather up the information and now that I have found the time, I have quickly written it all up. But the work is still uncompleted, I will simply describe my setup and provide the experimental, yet unfinished, tools.


My design for the writer is complementary of that for the reader. I use the same magnetic head to which I have connected a switch. In one position of the switch (read position) one pin of the head is connected to a capacitor (which is optional, see discussion above) and this one to the jack plug for the microphone input. In the other position of the switch (write position) this pin of the head is connected to a DB-9 socket connector (female) for the serial port (it is also possible to use a DB-25 socket if so is the size of the serial port connector of your PC). The other pin of the head is always connected to ground of both, the jack plug and the serial port connector.

Therefore I use the serial port as the source of current to feed the magnetic head and to write the track. I chose the serial port because according to the specifications and to my experiments, this is the most powerful DC current source readily available in usual PCs that is register controllable (on/off switchable by software), and with the advantage of having double polarity (+/-12V). Within the serial port there are several pins you can use as source. I chose the DTR pin. It is simply a convention, you might use any other as well. With the serial port and a good magnetic head you can write low coercivity as well as high coercivity magnetic media.

One might be tempted to use the sound output from the sound card as source for the magnetic head, but this is usually not advisable. There are two main reasons for this, one is that it is more simple to control the serial port than the sound card, and you don't need to generate a complex waveform, a square wave is perfect. The second reason is that the sound output from the sound card might not provide enough current to write tracks without an external amplifier.

It is important to note that not all magnetic heads are well suited to be used for writing using the serial port of the PC as source. Some heads do need more current than it can be provided by the serial port to write a track. One way to select a good head is to measure the ohmic resistance between its two pins. The higher the resistance, the better. A higher resistance implies a longer coil, which in turn means a higher magnetic field for the same current flowing. If you are unable to write tracks using the serial port as source (either because of the head or the serial port, or because the combination of both), you can always use an external power supply. To control it you can use a simple circuit like the one outlined next or a variation of it.

You can connect the positive terminal of the power supply to the collector of a general purpose NPN silicon transistor. The emitter of the transistor should be connected to one terminal of a variable resistor, and the other terminal of the resistor to ground (the negative terminal of the power supply together with the ground of the serial port). The emitter should also be connected to the positive terminal of a electrolytic capacitor and the other terminal of the capacitor to one end of the magnetic head. The other end of the magnetic head should be connected to ground. The base of the transistor should be connected to the DTR pin of the serial port. This way switching DTR on and off you will switch the transistor thus allowing to oscillate the current in the magnetic head (RLC resonator). You should tune the variable resistor to the value in which it has maximum resistance while being able to write tracks easily.

There is an additional hardware requirement for a writer. You need a system to synchronize the flow of data to be written with the swipe of the card. One way to do that is to place a sensor that is activated shortly before the magnetic track gets in contact with the magnetic head. Actually it is better to place two sensors so that you can get an estimate of the speed of the swipe. This way you can automatically adapt the speed of the flow of data, and thus the record is finally written at the correct nominal track density.

I use a very simple approach for the sensor. I attach a piece of wire to the magnetic head which I swipe over the magnetic track (I read/write cards with a procedure which is opposed to the usual method, swiping cards over the head). I also place two wires fixed on the board where the card to be written is placed, in a way so that when the card is swiped the wire in the magnetic head briefly touches both wires on the board successively, just before reaching the magnetic stripe. The wire in the magnetic head is connected to the RTS pin of the serial port and the wires on the board are connected to the DSR pin of the serial port.

This way the PC knows when the magnetic head is about to get in contact with the magnetic media, and at what speed. Of course there are other possible choices for the sensors. A quite natural approach would be to use a LED and a photo-diode or photo-transistor for each sensor (you can get these photo-devices from an old PC ball mouse). This has the advantage of getting rid of mechanical parts which are always subject to easily deteriorate, but it has the disadvantage of having to design and to attach additional electronic components to polarize the photo-devices and to amplify signals. But you still can use the same pins of the serial port and therefore use my software without changes.

Last, but not least, you will need a magnet to erase the card prior to being written. Normally you should erase the whole magnetic stripe, i.e. all usual three tracks at the same time, by rubbing the magnetic stripe from one end to the other with the magnet. Usually one pass should be sufficient, but you can do several of them just to be sure. This procedure is valid for low and for high coercivity magnetic media. Then the card is ready to be written, track by track, for example starting with track 1 and ending with track 3.

Using the software

I have developed an experimental C program for linux[writetrack.c - MISSING] to write cards. Instructions to compile are included inside. Of course you can develop your own program to write data using Windows, for example, but please don't ask me to do it. If you do not have and do not want to install Linux (you don't know what you are missing ;-) you still have the choice to run Linux on CD and use my programs, see my page running Linux without installing it.

There are a few things you should configure before compiling the program, they all are at the beginning of the code. One is the data regarding the port, by default it uses pins RTS, DTR and DSR of COM1 serial port. There are other things you can configure (see source for details, it is self-explanatory) for which you can leave the default values, but you must type the exact value of the distance between your two sensors (DIST macro). Otherwise the estimate of the speed would surely be wrong, consequently the record density will not be adequate and the software would not be able to detect the error.

Both sensors can not be too close one to each other. The distance should be such that it can be easily measured with millimetric precision, and that it allows a reliable measure of the speed, having into account the time resolution of the PC. Above half a centimetre should be ok. One of the sensors (the last one) and the magnetic track (or the magnetic head, depending on your swiping style), should be placed side by side. This way when the last sensor is activated the program would start sending the leading clocking bits, and they will arrive to the magnetic head on time to get written in the magnetic stripe. Tuning the parameter of the number of leading clocking bits will help to write the data at the right position in the magnetic stripe.

Once you have compiled the C program, connect the magnetic head and the sensors to the serial port, then you just have to run the program and swipe the card. The program must be run with root user to gain access to the serial port and to run with real time priority. It is required to run with the highest priority to guarantee the correct timing of the data signals, so you may notice that the computer freezes when you run the program; it is normal, it will come to a normal state when the program exits. When you run the program it waits for activity in the sensors, that is, a card swipe. If no activity is detected within the time-out period the program exits without doing anything. If a card swipe is detected the program starts sending the data to be written at a rate according to the type of track to be written and to the speed of the detected swipe. As mentioned above you will need some trial and error to tune some parameters of the program, mainly the number of leading clocking bits, so that the data to be written is perfectly located within the magnetic stripe, and at the proper nominal density.

The program accepts the following options:

After the program finishes writing the track, it displays some information which can be used to infer the quality of the swipe. Actually the program warns if the measured speed of the swipe was out of the range that is considered good according to my experiments.


As mentioned above I was able to write, erase and rewrite high coercivity cards with the setup, tools and procedures given in this document. I was able to write low density as well as high density tracks, however I could not read successfully the high density tracks that I wrote. Nevertheless I was able to read successfully the low density tracks that I wrote, thus proving that the general procedure is right.

To investigate the problem with the high density tracks I read them and watched the signal graphically. The profile looked quite acceptable and it might be decoded by eye. This means that maybe a program to read cards more sophisticated than mine might successfully decode these high density tracks. In any case the profile suggested that some distortion was present, maybe as if high frequency signals were damped, or if some high frequency components were artificially added, maybe due to glitches introduced in the switching of the serial port line.

To test this hypothesis I started to play with simple RC low-pass, high-pass and band-pass filters, but I got distracted with other subjects before I could come to any conclusion. So it is up to you. Maybe adding some kind of filter fixes the problem, or maybe there is no hardware problem at all, maybe it is just a matter of tuning the software and practising with hand made swiping. I must admit that I did not dedicate too much time testing the writing of the high density tracks and the subsequent read out test. Maybe I was not patient enough! :-)

Good luck if you give it a try and please keep me informed of your progresses.

E-mail: padilla at domain "gae ucm es" (my PGP/GPG public key)
First version: 11-Dec-2009, last update: 10-Apr-2010
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