The simplest magnetic stripe reader


Luis Padilla Visdómine


The main aim in all the designs you will find in these pages is to keep them as simple as possible while working. When I first made a magnetic stripe reader I hadn't a sound card by that time so I had to design a simple amplifier to rise the weak signal of the magnetic head up to a level usable by a computer. Nowadays sound cards are common even in laptops so the amplifier is no longer needed, you just have to connect the magnetic head directly to the microphone input of the sound card (impedances of both devices are usually similar). Of course you will still need the mechanic device to swipe the card, which can be the one I describe in my reader page. If you want to read magnetic stripe cards using a computer without sound card you can still use my original reader.


As I said above if you have a computer with a sound card with microphone input (all cards I know have such input) you only need a magnetic head to read magnetic stripe cards. The head has to be chosen such that the size of the track matches that of the magnetic stripe. I found that the size of the track of a normal mono audio cassette player is a little bit smaller than required but it works well. Using a stereo audio head is not recommended but it will likely work if you use just one of the two tracks. I use a 1.5 meter long twisted pair thin cable to connect the mono audio head to the microphone socket using a mono jack connector. If one of the pins of the magnetic head is connected to its case you should connect this pin to ground, which is the side of the jack closer to the cable (rear part). Now you only need some mechanical device to swipe the card, see my first reader page for a particular design.

Some sound cards have a stereo socket for the mic input, providing around +5v DC current in the middle connector (jack's ring), although I've seen at least one card with the +5v output in the outer connector (jack's tip), see here for details. If you use a mono jack connector (tip and ring shorted together) then this DC current is applied to the magnetic head and it might be enough to erase magnetic stripes (it happened to me with one sound card, I erased accidentally a couple of magnetic stripes while trying to read them), so you might consider adding a capacitor (around 200 nF should be fine) in series with the head to avoid this DC current. Of course you can use a stereo jack and leave the ring (or the tip) open, but anyway it's a good practice to measure the voltage before connecting the magnetic head to be sure there will be no DC current when you connect the head.

To read data using my software you will need Linux running in your computer with the sound card configured to be used. You will also need a C compiler, the sox utility, a mixer (aumix, kmix, gmix, xmixer, asmixer, ...) and the C shell, don't worry, all these utilities are included in any Linux distribution. The software I wrote consists of a shell script (don't forget to activate the execution permission, the download will remove it) and a C program which you will have to compile (see source for instructions). Of course you can develop your own program to read data using Windows (sox is available for that platform), for example, but please don't ask me to do it. If you do not have and do not want to install Linux (you don't know what you are missing ;-) you still have the choice to run Linux on CD and use my programs, see my page running Linux without installing it.

Using the software

Once you have compiled the C program, put it on the execution path (can be the current directory if you have it in your PATH environment variable) and connected the magnetic head to the microphone input of the sound card, you just have to run the shell script and swipe the card. When you run the program it waits for activity in the sound data flux, that is, a card swipe. When the activity stops, the program starts decoding the bits, forming bytes and checking parity and LRC. Swiping a card rises the sound level over noise and that's the activity the program detects. After the swipe the script lets you swipe again (in case the read out was unsuccessful) or exit.

The script tries to set the mixer settings of the sound card to the appropriated values using the program aumix. If this utility is not installed in your system or the script does not set the right values (channel names may differ from card to card) you will have to set the mixer manually using your favorite mixer. The required settings are to select the microphone channel as the recording source and set its gain to maximum level. It may be also needed to set the recording channel to maximum level. In case of doubt just rise all channels to maximum level. If you have a speaker connected to the sound card and the mixer properly configured you will hear data like in a modem. This is very interesting because the sound greatly helps to position the head over the track, the higher the sound the better position. It will also let you distinguish between high and low density tracks, the former type has a sharper sound than the latter when you swipe them at the same speed. As long as standard cards alternate high and low density tracks it is an additional help to position the head on the track.

The program accepts the following options, which normally you shouldn't need to use except for track selection:

Once you have read the track, on the screen will appear the bytes and some informative data on the quality of the reading, you can use them to help to position the head on the track (as well as by hearing sound), the higher the data max. and rms amplitudes, the better. I found that the optimum swipe time is around 0.2 seconds for standard size low density tracks and around 0.4 seconds for high density ones. The swipe has to be as smooth and uniform as possible, otherwise the program will wrongly interpret 0s as 1s and vice-versa. Once you got the swiping rhythm you will read tracks at first swipe. In general you should get familiar with the source code to know how it works. This would help you to interpret the information shown on the screen after a swipe and would let you modify the code to fit your particular requirements or in case you find rare cards.

Some results

This is the aspect of a swipe (raw data) over the time for high and low density tracks (click on images to enlarge):

DataHigh DataLow

This is a closer look to the beginning of the data (leading clocking bits):

ClockHigh ClockLow

And these are the first data after the clocking bits (start sentinel):

SSenHigh SSenLow

These plots were generated using a data analysis tool called PAW from CERN, which you can download for free (including a complete manual), and is available for many platforms (including Windows). It you give it a try, this macro would be helpful as well as this FORTRAN-like function (needed by the macro) to decode rare cards.

To conclude, here is the output of the program (with -b -t 1 options) after reading a standard IATA track (Spanair boarding pass):

Bad or no clocking bits parameter, using default: 60
Bad or no peak duration parameter, using default: 4
Bad or no stop duration parameter, using default: 500
No method parameter, using default: peak
Reading track 1
Bad or no threshold level parameter, using data...
Noise max./mean/rms amplitude: 0.003/0.000/0.001
Threshold: 0.012
Swipe time: 0.267 s
Data max./mean/rms amplitude: 0.628/-0.000/0.210
Bits: 490, individual duration: 0.545 ms
Start sentinel found
%W   SPCJK 816  M 219 20E                ?
End sentinel found
LRC OK. (30-Aug-2004) My PGP public key.
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