Site Report for the US Secret Service for Kentucky

You can view the images for the offices in this state here.

Lexington Office
3141 Beaumont Centre Circle, Suite 201
Lexington, KY 40513
Phone: 859-223-2358
Apprx. Coords- -84.55495 38.02085

Google imagery was too grainy to be useful.


Louisville Office
600 Dr. MLK JR. Place, Suite 377
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: 502-582-5171
Apprx. Coords- -85.76202 38.24885

Apparently, an angry young black man, eager to maintain a stereotype, wrote on the internet, "I say shoot every cop, national guard and politician who stands in your way, INCLUDING GEORGE W. BUSH if need be." Of course, you know who came to investigate young Mr. Phillip Bailey and his comments. He made the comment during the New Orleans crisis after Hurricane Katrina. Ironically, he is chairman of the University of Louisville's Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Phil also managed to piss off Fraternal Order of Police, who was supposed to appear with Phil at a panel at St. Stephen Church with among others, Metro Police Chief Robert White. I wonder how that went? >:P You can read the article at One more thing, Phil. You don't want someone to assassinate George while he's in office. America has a tendency to put its assassinated presidents on currency and I sure as hell don't want to look at his face after 2008.

You know, after doing research on an organization for awhile, one starts to see patterns. Here is an article about the Louisville office bursting into a balck student scholar meeting with weapons drawn and arresting the wrong guy for counterfeiting. Maybe young Bailey had something going there afterall. Oh, but let's not forget about the "Good O' Boys Roundup" meetings in the hills of Tennessee! In case you missed that report, refer back to Mobile, Alabama's report at Alabama.html.