Welcome to Notwork! [about] [machines] [museum] [shelter] [library] [fridge]
bar-BEAM.gif About Us

Notwork is a loose consortium/assemblage/conglomeration of people with an unusual interest in, and penchant for, technology. Our charter is flexible, but basically we're here for experimentation. You might call us hackers, or maybe technology junkies... but we prefer to be called Notwork.

The desks area... one of several parts of Notwork.

Members of NDL included: Emmanuel Goldstein, Marko Bukvic, Anatole Shaw, Wicked Dave, Ryan, Manos, David, Seraf, Shinex, Matrix, Izaac, Pamela, Red Balaclava, Master Chemist, Tomas Walter Law, Regina, Gale, and Carl Shapiro.

/ / Copyright ©1998 Notwork Labs
/ / Feedback to webmaster@notwork.net