Email Legions

Legions is an organization of collective minds, all working toward a goal of better security. We do not exist to destroy anything. We merely discover flaws, and take measures to correct flaws. We do not create flaws. We are not destroyers. We are but perfecters in an imperfect world. Consider this. Your car goes through more safety inspections imaginable before it is sold to you. It is not required that your computing infrastructure undergoes any safety inspection. Wouldn't you like to have a recall notice every once in awhile on your computing technology?

Who are we?
We are a selected group of computer enthusiasts living around the world and sharing our ideas with others.

What do we do?
We do a wide variety of things mostly dealing with computers. We talk on irc about security, coffee, computer related stuff and general stupid shit. Also, we do networking, programming, and security audits aswell as other stuff. Basiclly, we are changing mankind for the better.

Will we answer questions sent to us?

If the members that you've mailed your questions to have enough time, they will answer them. Although if you send us a message along the lines of "how do i hack hotmail" or "how do i deface a website", we will not answer because we have no time for such lame stuff.

Can you join?
Maybe. We do take on new members once in a while. All you have to do is come hang out on IRC for awhile and get to know everyone. It helps if you contribute to the ongoing projects, and to some of the numerous topics of discussion.

Where do we hang out?
Come and chat with us on IRC via server at channel #legions

            We are but curious explorers. We are the new generation. Those that came before us fear us. They have labeled us Generation X, and Generation Y, as they could not figure us out. Our parents do not understand our true nature. It is an evolution of mind, born in a digital nursery and encouraged by those that either wished to help us, or those that wish to destroy us. We are the future. We have come to claim it.

© 2001 Legions of the Underground.   Steal anything, and we'll get it back, don't you worry :c)
All mention of LoU, Legions of the Underground, Legions, KV, or Keen Veracity copyright (c) 2000, all rights reserved.