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HiR Software archive also available at ftp://axon.jccc.net/pub/software/

[Windows 9x Stuff] [UNIX & Linux Stuff]

Download Windows Telnet Daemon, Allows people to telnet in to Win9x and Win3.1 machines and play around in a wanna-be unix environment. Good for random evil and light duty remote control. (Mentioned in HiR 3-7)

Passthief Download and Tutorial (HiR 6-6)

Download Hacker's View 5.66, Axon's FAVORITE Hex editor. (Mentioned in HiR 6-6)

Download Windows PS. Lists threads under windows. Combined with Kill.exe, this is WAY better than Windows 95's Control-Alt-Delete menu. (Mentioned in HiR 6-6)

Download Windows Kill, a program that kills a windows thread by Process ID. See Windows PS.exe (Mentioned in HiR 6-6)

Download Hide-It, A program that lets you hide programs and folders in Win9x (Mentioned in HiR 6-6)

Axon's own: ClearURL[MISSING], clears URLs out of Netcape's Location Bar (Version .01 This was the original ZIP file) DOS BASED

-Updated ClearURL.exe Version .03--Contains a few minor modifications.

ClearURL 32. An interactive version for windows. Might need a dll or something. Use FTPSearch.

JizzMuffin by tm (of S.I.N.) An internet Suite-style program. Contains an okay WebBrowser, a telnet client that needs some work, Ping/Traceroute, Finger, WhoIs, and a couple of other plain-cool things.

Back Orifice, By cDc. Total remote Win9x mayhem!

Virtual Network Computing, 3.3.2r6, a delightfully full-featured visual remote control software that's not only open source (source code for the unix server/client), but cross-platform as well. Servers and viewers available for most any normal platform. See The VNC Homepage for more info. (Mentioned in HiR 7-6)

SSH Client for Win32, Kind of cheesy, but it provides the encrypted connection you want. It's a little rough around the edges, but it works. The Crypto library (I think it not for export, so guess what? Go HERE to get Crypt32.dll. It's in russia. (No one said linking to the crypto in a foreign country was illegal) So I'm not exporting it. It's already exported. =]

NEW! --->Console-telnet client[MISSING] runs in a DOS window or full-screen dos session (under Win95/98) and is basically an implementation of the UNIX telnet program. It is totally text-based, and it rocks for fooling people into thinking you're running an OS that you're not.

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