5ESS®-2000 Switch Software

Lucent Technology’s 5ESS®-2000 Switch continues to respond to the changing and increasing needs of customers, providing a multi-services platform that gives service providers the ability to offer subscribers a wide range of services, including wireless services (both cellular and PCS), Internet and on-line services access, Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN) services, multimedia services, local and long distance services -- all from a single switch.

Software for the 5ESS® Switch

To ensure that service providers are equipped to respond rapidly to changing customer needs, Lucent Technologies delivers software on the 5ESS®-2000 Switch on an ongoing basis. It is easy to administer these updates.

Lucent Technologies is offering features such as the Parallel Update Activate feature, which provides a more flexible method to apply or back out a software update. In addition, Automatic Power Recovery Phase II automates the functions required to recover the switch after power is lost, eliminating the need for a craftsperson to travel to the switch site to perform manual intervention. Recovery time is also reduced by a shortened time required to load software in the switching modules. With features such as these, the reliability of the service provider’s entire network is vastly improved.

Features, recommended by the Network Reliability Council (NRC) to enhance SS7 network reliability and robustness, are also included in our newest software: Message Transfer Part (MTP) Restart, SLS Expansion to 8 bits, and an improved Signaling Link Test (SLT). ISUP Message Loop Detection capability is provided to detect looped trunk routing errors. These capabilities, along with Lucent’s continued commitment to reliability, position the 5ESS®-2000 Switch even more strongly as one of the industry’s most reliable digital central office switches.

Software for ISDN, ACD and CENTREX service

Other software updates include increases in PRI-B channels from 1000 to 3000 and PRI-D channels from 31 to 127; CENTREX service enhancements, including improved ACD capacity to expand the ability to offer ACD to a wider customer base; simplification of ISDN provisioning; enhanced long distance Call Waiting, which provides distinctive ringing and distinctive tones for long distance calls; capabilities to allow service providers the ability to provide toll free services based on AIN architecture; and Service Announcement Workstation, which will allow service providers to modify announcements in house.

Software for Wireless

The 5ESS®-2000 Switch also continues Lucent Technologies' leadership role in the wireless area, providing advanced wireless services such as FDMA/TDMA/CDMA on the 5ESS®-2000 Very Compact Digital Exchange (VCDX) switch for yet another low-cost service application for our small switch; eliminating the "pops and clicks" of call hand-offs between cells over a large geographic area; improving billing for cellular customers to increase revenue and improve customer satisfaction; and offering multiple grades of service to provide pricing flexibility for targeting different customers in the wireless market.

Lucent Technologies is at the forefront of offering new software to meet the wide range of needs of service providers and their subscribers.

More details are available through Lucent Technologies customer representatives or by email request to this Home Page site.