dambios.jpg - [DAMAGE,  INC. BIOS]

BLACKENED     Blackie Lawless     Shatazar     THC Phreak     Helena3

Alias: Blackened
Group: Damage, INC.
Age: 20s
Country: Canada
Description: phreak, hacker, writer, poet, anarchist, individual, thinker.
Interests: music, vodka, whiskey, beer, women, h/p, recreational drugs, literature, conspiracies, programming, information, politics, guns, target shooting, hunting, hockey, psychology, social engineering, strange phenomena/things, history, subcultures, sci-fi, intelligent conversation, phones, etc. ;)
URL: http://surf.to/damage_inc

Background Information:

I'm the founder of a group named Damage, INC. and the editor of a zine called the Damage, INC. Newsletter that has been in publication since September 1997. It's a unique, h/p related zine that is released on a bi-monthly basis. Previous to that I programmed several small DOS utilities, operated a h/p oriented board for nearly a decade and was involved in many areas of hacking and phreaking, dating back to the 1980s. My interest in phones, particularly payphones, began at a young age. I can vividly recall experimenting with them and always wanted to learn as much as possible about the telephone system, including its inner workings. Eventually I began scanning exchanges and my quest for knowledge simply continued from there. Over the years I saw the overall scene change, witnessed the end of eras and new beginnings and met people that shared similar interests. And a few of them became trusted friends of mine. Others were cool but moved on and quit the scene long ago. Goals change and people change. That's to be expected. However, it's the knowledge that you can acquire and the friendships that can be made along the way that are important. Even so, it's one of the few realms in which it doesn't matter who you know since it's really about what you know. That can't honestly be said concerning too many other things.

Within the group itself, I'm the person that's responsible for advertising and promoting the zine, site, group and our various other releases. In one way or another, I am involved in every project concerning Damage, INC. From motivating our members, providing leadership and direction to the group, to co-ordinating and giving approval to any projects that bear the name of the group... I'm always a part of the process. I believe that over the years my role has been well defined and each member of the group, including myself, knows what the purpose of the group is and what's expected of them. And they know what their own strengths are. Quality is paramount. Without it, everything else is meaningless and unimportant. Throughout the years I've tried to maintain the group, its ideals, achieve its goals and share what I can, including opinions, information, knowledge and my own personal beliefs, with others. The zine is just one way for the group to express itself. That's why the DIN covers other topics and has articles that aren't h/p related. Nothing else needs to be said.

"We've been kickin' ass and exploiting minds since 1993."

"Are you down with Damage, INC. d00d?"

"You ain't seen nothin' yet."

"I am madness."

"World Domination."

"A zine so fucking raw that it's not released, it's unleashed."

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Alias: Blackie Lawless
Group: Damage, INC.
Age: 20 something
Country: USA
Description: writer, hacker, phreak, techno junkie.
Interests: computers, reading, writing, exploring, networks (X.25 etc.), scanning, learning about different systems, social drinking.
URL: http://surf.to/damage_inc


I have been into computers since a young age. Eventually I read a few h/p zines that were on some boards I was calling at the time, and they literally changed the way in which I thought about computers and how they can be used. I became interested in the whole h/p scene, from its culture to the information that it makes available to us. I began reading, experimenting, exploring and learning about things that the average computer user has no interest in or isn't even aware of. I wanted to find out about things that I previously didn't know existed and use systems to further my knowledge.

While calling h/p boards and posting in the networks they carried, I ran across a character with the alias of BLACKENED. I began conversing with him in the networks, calling his board, chatting, etc. Several months later, he mentioned that he was forming a group called Damage, INC. Even though I'd never been one to join groups, I asked him a few questions regarding what this new group would be about and what its purpose would be. We had many long discussions about it during that time. We also began conversing over the phone and staying in contact through Voicemail. After a while, I realized that we were on the same wavelength so I told him that I'd like to be involved with his group. If I recall, that was near the end of 1992. And that's approximately the time that I joined Damage, INC. Shortly after that, in January 1993 the group was officially formed. For the first few years we just exchanged information, worked on projects together and didn't release anything publicly.

During the last few years the group has changed. New, younger members joined. Some people decided to leave the group. The Damage, INC. Newsletter was created in 1997. We put up a web site. We've become more active and recognizable in the scene. And of course, we've all become older and wiser during that time.

"It's damn phreaky."

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Alias: Shatazar
Group: Damage, INC.
Age: 20s
Country: Canada
Description: writer, telephone enthusiast, individual.
Interests: reading, writing, conspiracies, politics, computers, phones, football, hockey, women, beer, whiskey, "mary jane", h/p, music, etc.
URL: http://surf.to/damage_inc

Background Information:

My interest in the h/p scene began in the early 90s when an intelligent and creative person named BLACKENED introduced me to it. He asked me to become the Cosysop of his BBS, ...AND JUSTICE FOR ALL in 1991. During this time he introduced me to a whole new way of thinking and learning. Then in 1993, BLACKENED founded Damage, INC. and asked me if I wanted to become a member. I accepted his generous offer, and it has changed my life for the better. Despite not having as much h/p experience as other current members of the group, I have helped and supported various projects over the years. Some important tasks I do are writing quality articles for the Damage, INC. Newsletter, our bi-monthly h/p related zine. BLACKENED and I also share the task of proofreading each issue before it is released to the public. I also work with BLACKENED in the continual improvement and expansion of the Damage, INC. Web Site.

I've gained more knowledge and insights than I would have gained in a lifetime if I wasn't a part of Damage, INC. To find like-minded individuals that believe that something can be done to combat the corruption of "society", as well as to share information and experiences is something that I appreciate greatly. With the Damage, INC. Newsletter we are sharing our thoughts, knowledge and beliefs with other freethinking individuals. It is this battle against Big Brother that is a motivational force in my life. I will do what I can, learn what I can, and apply what knowledge I gain in order to restore some truth and sanity to this corrupt, sick world.

"Keep 'em honest."

"Yes, I am doing something about `it'" (responding to "What can we do about it?")

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Alias: THC Phreak
Group: Damage, INC.
Age: 18-25
Country: Canada
Description: phreak/telecommunications enthusiast, recreational drug user, hacker, smart ass.
Interests: computers, networks, telephones, scanning, drinking, exploring technology in general, debating, individualism, libertarianism.
URL: http://surf.to/damage_inc


I have a diverse background in computers and telecommunications that dates back to when I was about 10 years old. At that time, I began to experiment with telephones and soon a whole new world opened up to me. I started to learn about the telco and how it works. I wanted to explore. Soon after that, I found a few local phreaks on boards and the process of gaining knowledge, exchanging information and conversing with them about my new interest was well on its way. My interest and curiosity never stopped.

After several years of hanging out on boards, scanning, exploring X.25 packet switching networks, and wasting time in conferences, I happened upon an individual named BLACKENED. As is often the case, we chatted and discovered that we had similar interests in certain areas, namely phreaking for knowledge. However, it didn't end there. He invited me to call his board, and after becoming a user, I noticed that he ran a h/p group. So, I asked him about it. Without revealing too much about the group and its internal workings, he told me the basics of what it's about, summarized the goals, projects, releases and gave me some information on how to join as a member. Looking back, I suppose it was obvious to him that I was interested by the amount of questions I asked. Then I read every issue of the Damage, INC. Newsletter that had been released at that point. That's all it took for me to want to become a part of the group in some way. Not only was I hooked on reading the zine, but I wanted to write articles and contribute. So, that's what I did. Instead of asking to join the group right away, I sent feedback about the zine, wrote articles and submitted them. I became accepted as a writer for the DIN, but still had a strong desire to join the group.

To keep this short, I'll fast forward a couple of months. After many indepth conversations, BLACKENED and I became good friends. We had mutual respect for each other, as well as trust. Then he mentioned that a former member had decided to retire from the group, and that they were seeking new, knowledgable people to join. I then told him that I wanted to become a Damage, INC. Member and he formally invited me to join the group. Obviously I took the opportunity that was given to me and joined. The feeling of "acceptance" was really cool. And I knew that the group I was now a part of was going to last.

Fast forward again. As described in the DIN, the RCMP raided my house and tried to bust me on several things that don't need to be recited in detail here. Needless to say, it was a wake-up call for me. It also changed my view of law enforcement dramatically. An experience such is that is bound to make some kind of impact on anyone.

To conclude my Bio, I'm still actively involved in hacking and phreaking. I haven't quit, nor do I think I ever could. It's in my blood. It's a part of who I am. And it's something that I just can't stop and change. Just because someone explores doesn't mean they're a criminal. I'm also still learning about as many systems and gathering as much knowledge as I can.

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Alias: Helena3
Group: Damage, INC.
Age: 18-25
Country: Canada
Description: hacker, phreak, telephone enthusiast, technophile, audiophile, conversationalist, spontaneous, fiesty hax0r girl.
Gender: Female
Interests: I absolutely love meeting new people, talking on the phone, learning new things, seeking and amassing knowledge, using technology to my advantage, writing, and sharing information and things I've found and know with others.
IRC: find me (stalkers welcome)
URL(s): http://surf.to/damage_inc

Fuck. y0 y0 y0 all you little bitches and fucking whores. You punks and script kiddies aren't getting any of my pr0n pics, so quit asking me dammit!

It's all gr00vy. I'm all crazy with the love and so high and fucked up now. But it's all good. So go hax0r the shit outta some windoze b0xes or somethin and 0wn em all. Yeah. PHEAR THE BEAVER! All you girls and r0ys. Fuck all the little players. You mother fuckers can suck my kiss. Smoke some dope and chill. And quit fucking around. Damn killas. Damn, don't be a fool. K00l out. Ya dig? Keep it fuckin real man. Word. You know what I'm sayin? Damn.

That's what I'm talkin about...

Shout outs to all the cool phreaks out there that get phreaky with it. What up? We're bringin back the old sk00l. You down with all that? Point blank. Damn straight. I'm out. Peace.


"I'm one high sexy hax0r girl... and damn hot. Who made me this fucking beautiful?"

(Can anyone tell a certain someone wrote the above description for me?)

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