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10.2. Installing mod_security

Log in to the remote system using ssh. Log in as a user: bviXY password: bezpecnost. SeeChapter 2, Cvičenie 1/Practice 1 - Connection Setup
  1. Run
    Application -> System Tools -> Terminal
    $ vboxmanage modifyvm centos-golden --macaddress2 auto
  2. Execute VirtualBox and run CentOS.
  3. Login as root/password
  4. Install Web Server and auxiliary packages.
    $ yum -y groupinstall "Web Server" "MySQL Database Client" "MySQL Database Server" "PHP Support"
    $ yum -y install php-mysql mc
    $ service iptables stop
    $ service mysqld start
  5. You need to turn on EPEL repo under CentOS / RHEL Linux
    $ rpm -Uvh
  6. Install ModSecurity
    $ yum -y install mod_security
  7. Find out second network interface
    $ ifconfig | grep eth | tail -1


    Interface name is ethX
  8. Activate network interface
    $ dhclient ethX
  9. Record IP address for eth1 interface
    $ ifconfig ethX


    IP address is 192.168.56.XYZ
  10. Start Web Server
    $ service httpd restart
  11. Check connection to your web server
    Open Firefox (Application -> Internet -> Firefox) and enter address: 192.168.56.XYZ