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Limbo/Tk Overview

This chapter contains the following sections on Limbo/Tk:

Creating Limbo/Tk Applications
Limbo/Tk Functions
Tk Commands
and a manual page for the Tk module:

Tk - graphics toolkit module
Limbo/Tk is a concise and powerful way to construct graphical user interfaces without directly using the Draw module primitives. Using Limbo/Tk, it is possible to quickly create standard inferfaces from collections of menus, buttons, and other widgets that are part of Limbo/Tk's visual toolkit.

Not all of the features of Tk are included in Inferno. This section provides an overview of the use of Limbo/Tk as well as the differences between the Limbo/Tk implementation and Tk 4.0. For more information on Tk see John Ousterhout's book (Tcl and the Tk toolkit. J. Ousterhout. Addison Wesley, 1994) and <http://sunscript.sun.com/techcorner/>. Manual pages for Tk commands are currently available at <http://sunscript.sun.com/man/>.

Note: The Tklib functions, which were part of tklib.m in Inferno 1.0, are now in the wmlib module. See wmlib - window manager toolkit in Chapter 15

The Limbo/Tk Environment

Inferno provides many of the Tk functions as a built-in module, $Tk. In addition, the standard distribution includes the window manager wm and the Limbo module wmlib.m. The wmlib module simplifies the both the processing of Limbo/Tk commands and the construction of windowed applications.

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