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Tk Commands

This section lists all of the commands documented in the Tk 4.0 man pages, giving the differences between the behavior specified in those man pages and the behavior implemented in Limbo/Tk.

Note: Many of the Tk 4.0 widgets take 'Standard Options' such as
-insertontime that are not implemented in Limbo/Tk. See Options not supported in Limbo/Tk.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.


bind widget <event-event-...-event> command
bind widget <event-event-...-event> + command

The bind command is perhaps the command that differs the most from Tk 4.0. Mostly, it is a subset of functionality that is implemented. One difference is that the tag that can be bound to can be one of only two things: the name of an existing widget, or the name all, which causes bindings for all of the widgets under the toplevel implicit in the command). The idea of a widget class is completely absent in Limbo/Tk. Event sequence specifications are also somewhat restricted. A sequence is either a single character (rune), meaning a KeyPress of that character, or a sequence of events in angle brackets. Events are separated by blanks or minus signs.

The following events are accepted:

Key or KeyPress

This represents the press of the character in the following event. If there is no following event, this represents the press of any key.

Note: The characters cannot be specified using X11 names (for example, Return).


This represents the press of the character in the following event with the Control key pressed.

ButtonPress or Button

This represents the pressed state of the mouse button given by the following event, which should be 1, 2, or 3. If there is no following event, this represents the press of any button.

Note: Unlike Tk 4.0, if the mouse is moved with a button pressed, the Button event is delivered in combination with a Motion event as long as the button remains pressed.


Like ButtonPress, but representing the release of a button.


This represents possible motion of the mouse.


This means that any events in the sequence representing button presses must be double-clicked for the sequence to match.


This represents the event of the widget being drawn on the screen, either for the first time or after being de-iconified.


This represents the event of the widget being de-iconified.


This represents the event of the mouse entering the widget from outside.


This represents the event of the mouse going outside the boundaries of the widget.


This represents the event of the widget getting the keyboard focus.


This represents the event of the widget losing the keyboard focus.

The event sequence can contain any combination of the above events. They are treated as independent events, and if any of the events occur, the sequence matches. You cannot combine Key Presses of more than one key. As for delivery: events will not be combined, except that Motion events may be combined with button presses (possibly doubled).

The binding script argument has % substitution, as specified in Tk 4.0. However, only the following are implemented: %%, %b, %h, %s, %w, %x, %y, %A, %K, %W, %X, and %Y. The %s substitution gives the logical OR of the mouse buttons for mouse events, and the decimal value of the pressed character for key events. The %K substitution gives the pressed character in the form of four hexadecimal digits (not a textual string, as in Tk 4.0). The %A substitution will escape a {, }, or a \, so that it won't confuse the command string parser when used in a bind script.


Not implemented.


image create bitmap [name] [options]
As mentioned above, Limbo/Tk bitmaps are in fact full color images. If a maskfile is given, it may also have a depth greater than 1 bit; the meaning is that if a pixel of the mask is non-zero then the corresponding pixel of the image should be drawn.


button pathname [options]
As in Tk 4.0 (but note difference in units for -height and -width).


canvas pathname [options]
The postscript subcommand is not implemented.


checkbutton pathname [options]
Un-implemented options: -indicatoron, -offvalue, -onvalue, and --selectimage. The flash and toggle subcommands are not implemented.


Not implemented.


destroy [window window...]
As in Tk 4.0.


entry pathname [options]
The scan subcommand is not implemented. Many of the key bindings are not implemented because there is currently no way to type those keys to Inferno (for example, Home). Note difference in units for -height and -width.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.


focus window
The focus model in Inferno is different. Only one widget has the keyboard focus at any one time. Limbo/Tk does not maintain a private keyboard focus for each toplevel tree and automatically move the focus there whenever the tree is entered. (But canvas and text widgets do maintain a private keyboard focus.) The focus window command moves the keyboard focus to the given window. By default, the first press of the primary button in an entry, listbox or text widget causes the focus to be moved to that widget. Just entering a menu widget gives it the focus.

The -displayof, -force, and -lastfor options are not implemented.


frame pathname [options]
Un-implemented options: class, colormap, and visual.


grab window
grab option [arg arg ...]

Limbo/Tk implements only global grabs, so the -global option is not recognized. The grab current command is not implemented. The grab command is not recognized as a synonym for grab set.


Not implemented.


image option [arg arg ...]
Only bitmap image types are implemented, but, as documented under bitmap, Inferno bitmaps are not just 1-bit deep. Thus, Inferno bitmaps are an implementation of both bitmap and photo types. However, Limbo/Tk does not recognized the wide variety of graphics formats that Tk 4.0 does. External programs are provided to convert from other formats, such as JPEG, into the Inferno bitmap format. The file descriptor syntax for specifying bitmaps is useful when an external program writes the bitmap to a file descriptor.

The -data and -maskdata options are not implemented.


label pathname [options]
Un-implemented options: -justify and -wraplength. Note difference in units for -height and -width.


listbox pathname [options]
The bbox and scan subcommands are not implemented. Note difference in units for -height and -width.


lower window
The belowThis optional parameter is not recognized.


menu pathname [options]
Un-implemented options: -postcommand, -tearoff, -tearoff command, and -transient. In the add subcommand, the -accelerator, -indicatoron, and -selectimage options are not implemented. In the index subcommand, the last and pattern index forms are not implemented. The configure and entrycget subcommands are not implemented.


menubutton pathname [options]
Un-implemented options: -indicatoron, -justify, and -wraplength.


Not implemented (subsumed by label).


Not implemented. There is no option database in Limbo/Tk.


pack option arg [arg...]
pack slave [slave ...] [options]
pack configure slave [slave ...] [options]
pack forget slave [slave ...]
pack propagate master [0 | 1]
pack slaves master

The info subcommand is not implemented.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.


radiobutton pathname [options]
Unimplemented options: -indicatoron, -justify, -selectimage, and -wraplength. The flash subcommand is not implemented.


raise window
The aboveThis optional parameter is not recognized.


scale pathname [options]
Unimplemented options: -digits and -variable.


scrollbar pathname [options]
The old syntax of set and get is not supported.


Not implemented.


send channame string
Rather than sending things to a different application, the send channame string command sends a string along a given named Limbo channel, as described above.


text pathname [options]
The dump subcommand is not implemented. The -regexp mode of the search subcommand is not implemented.


Not implemented.


Not implemented.


There is no toplevel command implemented by the cmd function; instead, the Tk module entry point toplevel is used to make toplevel widgets.


The optional idletasks argument is not recognized.


Not implemented. Much of the information that winfo could return can be gotten via cget for each widget.


Not implemented.

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