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emu - Inferno emulator

emu [options... ][filename]


The emu command provides the Inferno emulation environment. The emulator runs as an application under the machine's native operating system, which provides system services.

The emu command starts an Inferno shell at <inferno.root>/dis/sh.dis .


Options may be set from the environment variable EMU but are overridden by options supplied on the command line
-c[0-9] The -c option determines the manner in which the emulator will process Dis programs.
(default) Unless specified otherwise by the module, emu uses an interpreter to execute Dis instructions on the native machine.

1 Setting the option argument to non-zero changes the default behavior to compile Dis into native instructions when a module is loaded (just-in-time compilation). This results in faster execution but larger run-time size.
2-9 Setting the option argument to larger values engages compiler trace facilities.
-d1 Solaris only. Run Inferno services without starting a console window. See the installation and configuration chapters of the Inferno User's Guide for information on setup and configuration scripts for this option.
-gXxY Define screen width and height in pixels for window manager (when it is started). The default values are 640 and 480 respectively. Values smaller than the defaults are ignored. For Windows 95-hosted systems, some width/height combinations may result in screen distortion when window manager starts. If this happens, try another size.
-ffontpath Specify the default font for the tk module. The path is interpreted in the Inferno name space. If unspecified, the font variable has value <inferno_root>/fonts/lucm/unicode.9.font. (See Notes section for value of <inferno_root>.)
-rrootdir Specify directory that emu will serve as its root instead of <inferno_root>. See Notes section for default values.

Note: If a directory exists that has the same name as <inferno_root> (e.g., if you are installing multiple versions of Inferno), emu will use <inferno_root> as its root even if it is being executing from another directory. In this case, the -r option should be used to force emu to use the correct path to root.
-s This option specifies how the emulator deals with traps reported by the operating system. By default, traps suspend execution of the offending thread. When the -s option is set, emu makes no arrangements to catch traps, and if they occur, the emu process responds normally (for example, terminates with core file). This facilitates debugging of the broken process via tools in the host environment.
Specify the maximum size (in bytes) of the named memory allocation pool. The pools are:
main the general malloc arena
(default is 4 MB)
heap the Dis virtual machine heap
(default is 16 MB)
image image storage for the display
(default is 8 MB)
-m[012] Garbage collector mark-and-sweep trace parameter.
-7 Restrict emu to 7-bit (128 element) color map. The default is 256 elements. Useful for X-terminals with few color maps.


If a filename is specified, EMU will execute this file.

<inferno_root>/dis/sh.dis The default Inferno shell.


Default value of <inferno_root> is /usr/inferno on Unix-hosted systems and \users\inferno on Windows-hosted systems.

See Also

limbo - Limbo compiler
sh - command line interface to the Inferno system in Chapter 5

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