Win32dd - v1.2.1.20090106 - Kernel land physical memory acquisition Copyright (c) 2007 - 2009, Matthieu Suiche Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009, MoonSols Usage: win32dd.exe [option] [output path] Option: -r Create a raw memory dump/snapshot. (default) -l Level for the mapping (with -r option only). l 0 Open \\Device\\PhysicalMemory device (default). l 1 Use Kernel API MmMapIoSpace() -d Create a Microsoft full memory dump file (WinDbg compliant). -t Type of MSFT dump file (with -d option only). t 0 Original MmPhysicalMemoryBlock, like BSOD. (default). t 1 MmPhysicalMemoryBlock (with PFN 0). -h Display this help. Sample: Usage: win32dd.exe -d physmem.dmp Usage: win32dd.exe -l 1 -r C:\dump\physmem.bin