People I know:
dena, dRONe member and an awsome gfx artist sordid, dRONe member and organizer, this site changes from time to time griffin, the creators of the Hackers series deckard, really cool gfx artist, makes 3D and handdrawn pictures and wild demos altitronic, here you can get cheap computer stuff, danish only logiktech, the makers of mutiple userality, and a poor crypto program nitallica, phrozen crew member and a great drawing artist
People that links to me (without my knowledge ;) heh):
Dr. X, List of crackers Cosmo Connor's, A mojor crack link site LuGo, List of crackers CBar, Thanks for the link Immortal Descendants, Just a thanks for giving my ezine some advertisement Ray Lane, Thanks for the link MõøZ, Thanks for having my site as a favourite :) compapade, Thanks for the link PlanetNetWorks, Thanks for putting CiB on your site :)) 2New4You, Thanks for the link Nitallica, Thank you nitallica :)) ?????, Thanks :) Skato's, Thanks for the GREAT information about me :)) WhiteRabbit, Thanks for the link :) Krobar's, Thank you for the link :) Lynn and Zuzu, Thanks for the link Orginal Cracks, Thanks for the link, but I don't understand the text you're writing about me ;(
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