
wOODY^dRN: I've made a internal keygen for l0phtcrack

ZmileY: hehe

wOODY^dRN: and for winzip v8.0 too :)

ZmileY: hmm...
ZmileY: so lame so u don't have to laugh...

ZmileY: how do I make a "patch" permanent?
ZmileY: when I change a jump in softice for example

wOODY^dRN: heh and you call me lame ;)

Dawai> lol


[.. Here is a transcript of a laughably ironic cybersex. Thanks to _y for submitting it, but I have to admit: I really don't wanna know where he got it from :) ..]

ViperJon69: oh yeah feels good
ViperJon69: cum bursts out of my dick into your mouth

CountesRsh: would this be a good time to tell you i'm a transvestite?

ViperJon69: you're kidding right?

CountesRsh: not at all
CountesRsh: but the sex was great, i stroked my dick the whole time


[.. this log took place in #Canada ..]
Pete_X: hey, is this the american channel?
Craz1: ermm
Craz1: why the fuck would #Canada be an American Channel?

Pete_X: aint it just a suburb of la?


_Sushi_: ye i know how stupid jus is he is so weird that his nrain hurst'z ;)

Carpathia: omg

j_st_r__s: if that made any sense...i might have been offended


NeuRaL_N: the strange thing of that dream
NeuRaL_N: is that i saw an assembly listing describing a status quo...
NeuRaL_N: this friend of mine was actually ARGUING WITH ME IN ASSEMBLY

[Kwai_Lo]: damn i never get dreams like this


[CoSH]: i got a ticket to see cradle of filth on dec 8th ;)

pRoK_: maybe you could get them to piss on you [cosh]

[CoSH]: pRoK_: yeah maybe...


Dtemplar: where to get information about how to host a crack page ?
Dtemplar: where should i get such a info ?

_y: piss.off.net

Dtemplar: i'll try
Dtemplar: cannot access to the page

_y: hmmm
_y: try
_y: youannoyme.cjb.net

Dtemplar: doesn't exist that page

_y: hmmm
_y: the last one i can think of is http://gullible.ur

_y: it's in uruguay

Dtemplar: can't locate the server


VisionZ: zigy : how r u doin'

zigy: fine thnkz, SCHOLL FUCKN SUKZ
zigy: school

VisionZ: University SUX too
VisionZ: but an advantage of University is: if u dont wanna do something u do it later (but u gotta do next year than) :)

zigy: heh,
zigy: at our school we can goto porny sites :)


fgh: sombody please send me hiew 5.66

T0RNAD0: HIEW 6.10 is out fgh!
T0RNAD0: why do you want 5.66

fgh: i prefer that


fgh: i like mah

Carpathia: give up tornado :)

fgh: fuck you assooles!!
fgh: fuck off man!!
fgh: shit channel

*** mEX-b0NE sets mode: +o Carpathia

fgh: fucking ops!

*** Carpathia sets mode: +b fgh!*gg@
*** fgh was kicked by mEX-kILLA (banned)


*** Crac0z (hackem-up@lon-c45-041-vty3.as.wcom.net) has joined #cracking4newbies

Crac0z: op me

Carpathia: haha

blah---: heh

*** Crac0z has quit IRC ((h)ackem-up script!(v1.2) by `Ates..! Download it from http://members.xoom.com/ates)


ALI-AB: shud there be a www. befor the quantico.cjb.net ???
ALI-AB: or is it an ftp site ???

Carpathia: no, just quantico.cjb.net
Carpathia: web site

ALI-AB: it sez
ALI-AB: Problem Report
ALI-AB: HTTP 503 occurred while attempting to retrieve the URL:
ALI-AB: 'http://quantico.cjb.net/'.
ALI-AB: Solutions
ALI-AB: The server is busy
ALI-AB: Try again, later
ALI-AB: u c

Carpathia: well. maybe the server is busy, try again later

ALI-AB: ow ok


FRoZeN_FL: was that aimed at me ?

Carpa7hia: what ?

FRoZeN_FL: you saying 'oh my god'


[.. hopefully this will shut up all those lamers who nag me saying I never out the leet on the lamer logs. Sorry _y, but you had to be the demonstrate (cheers to ghiri) :D ]

_y: ghiri

Ghiri: hi

_y: the radium codec is a complete 100% fucking fake
_y: I downloaded the thing
_y: used the bloated, huge installer
_y: and all it installs is a fucking picture and a .txt
_y: no exe or anything

Ghiri: _y: take a look at the codecs in control panel ;)

_rekcah: hehehe
_rekcah: lamerlogs! :PP

Ghiri: lol

_y: ghiri, and where might that be?
_y: (codecs, not control panel)

Ghiri: multimedia
Ghiri: advanced tab

_y: ...... yes, now where?

Ghiri: audio compression codecs
Ghiri: and don't pretend it's not there ;)

_y: heh
_y: it's there
_y: hmmm
_y: alright


Carpathia: hmm...
Carpathia: are you cracking the same program as the one the tutorial is talking about

MAS84: no

Carpathia: LOL

MAS84: but if i was, the tut helps
MAS84: but if i crack a program thats not in the tut
MAS84: its a lot harder

Carpathia: erm, i think you'll find that the exact method of each serial protection will differ !
Carpathia: so you need to learn how to crack the app that the tut is talking about. You think cracking is something you can pick up in an hour ?

MAS84: stop using cracking

Carpathia: wtf ?

MAS84: i have been in 8 cracking groups
MAS84: thats all i ever do
MAS84: i just dont make keygens


xccc: what is softice?
xccc: what is asm?
xccc: is it related to cracking?
xccc: what is web browser?
xccc: I want to learn how to crack encrypted program, can someone tell me?
xccc: what is a packets?


Customer: "I'm running Windows '95."

Tech: "Yes."

Customer: "My computer isn't working now."

Tech: "Yes, you said that."


iNNU3NDo> pup, i need you!!!!
iNNU3NDo> some weird things with yer serv
iNNU3NDo> hey
iNNU3NDo> hallo
iNNU3NDo> whhiaaa
iNNU3NDo> donnald duck
iNNU3NDo> today had to be the day
iNNU3NDo> answer me!
iNNU3NDo> grrrr
iNNU3NDo> it's "urgent"
iNNU3NDo> wiiii
iNNU3NDo> waaaaa
iNNU3NDo> wuuuuu
iNNU3NDo> wooooo
iNNU3NDo> weeeeee


And the lamer award goes out to the fucking moron Jarguage for saying Shut up to me :) heheh .... yer that's right, you don't have to say more to get in this mag ... aint it a bitch ? :)

That's all for now ;)