Interview with dawai

When did you know that computers was your passion? ;)

Prolly when i saw my grades falling like a brick in highschool after i bought a pc :-)

How did you become a member in the cracking scene?

Well, I used to we a wannabe hacker .... i downloaded some hacking tuts from the internet and there was a zip included with ORC's tuts so i got interested.

i hung around on IRC in #cracking and shit and then i got recruited to AiR that's about it :)

Which programming languages can you code in?

Applesoft Basic, QuickBasic, Visual Basic, DOS asm, some Java...

no Pascal ? ;)

nope, i tried learning it once but i quit very early .... i bought a book on learning C too .. but i never get past chapter 4 :)

i didn't stop learing pascal coz it was too difficult but becoz i could do everything i wanted to do in basic :)

What is your favourite programming language?

VB :)

Are you a member of a cracking group?

yea ... as i said, i got recruited to AiR after some months we merged with HERiTAGE ... so HERiTAGE, nothing more

AiR is a acronym for ?

addiction in releasing, after we merged, I changed it to "addiction in reversing" :P so you could say AiR still exists but I'm the only member :)

Where did you get you handle? What does it mean?

well ... I don't know exactly what it means :) I got it from a song by a Belgian DJ "Paranoid In Moscow" by Pat Krimson

I wanted to play chess online and I needed to register a nick to play I didn't know what nick to register, but that song was playing on the radio so I grabbed that :)

I think it means "fast" or something in Russian.

Which individual or what group do you like/respect in the Cracking world?

hmmm .... let's say every cracker that thinks VB doesn't suck :P

let's say, crackers that know how to figure out shit by their own not the kind that comes in c4n asking "can somebody send me softice?"

What do you do in 'real' life?

I'm a college student, I study computer science

science .. like new software or hardware things ?

we learn both, my interest goes out most to software though

Do people outside the cracking scene know what you do (parents, girlfriend etc.)?

most of my friends know, my parents & gf don't :)

they would be mad if they knew ?

I don't think so, there's just not much "data stream" between me and my parents :) I'm pretty "closed" in real life.

What advises can you give to a newbie?

ZEN! :) learn to figure out shit on yourself, try new, non-conventional methods

Wanna greet someone?

hmm yea ... all the leet niggaz in c4n current or former members of AiR and HERiTAGE that's about it :)

any lamer awards ? :)

I want to say "fuck you" to ECLiPSE :P

any other comments?

"don't drink six Palms in a row" :) i did yesterday ... i puked like shit :) fortunately i only ate some chocolate before, so my drain didn't get stuck this time :)