Okay it's time for more lamerlogs ... :) well maybe not lamers only but they are funny ... anyways .. erhmmm ------------------------------------------------------------------------ My new Vcdz --> DiVX: OLD =) scream 3 OLD jean'd'arc OLD Sunk|s: divx is old? yes its the format you newbie :P ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ i feel like fucking my gf in the ass real hard the only problem is she dumped me some time ago ------------------------------------------------------------------------ <^K0BrA^> (Connection reset by peer) - Who's peer ? your worst nightmare ------------------------------------------------------------------------ first excuse me. I'm a german WEB-Surver,so I can't English very well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ <[QuEsT]> i need a crack, like yesterday then u shoulda got it yesterday ------------------------------------------------------------------------ <`fresh> BURN ME A CD OR ILL CRASH YOUR PHONE <`fresh> this is your last chance =) * `fresh launches phonecrash.exe *** Ghiri has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <`fresh> haha hahahaha ------------------------------------------------------------------------ remember, windows is a multitasking environment... many things are going on at once... yeah,like crashing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ how did everyone get started on computers? by pressing power-on switch, of course ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ <[No]LmTG> #cracks is Invite 0nly <[No]LmTG> - <[No]LmTG> ????????????????????????????? <[No]LmTG> how come i cant join? because like you said its invite only ! (jeez) Anyone know why it went to inivite only? to stop all the lamers going there and it evidently works ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ <_Bonkers_> how do you ungray a button? change your color scheme ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Tin is away: (Auto-Away after 10 mins) [BX-MsgLog On] woop * Tin is back from the dead. Gone 0 hrs 0 min 4 secs aww bugger i broke my chair ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok, but I know something, i don't like when smb call me 'lamer'... heh.... well no one does but eventually you have to face the facts ------------------------------------------------------------------------ once someone treathened to kill me. i dared him, begged him to try, i told him i would cut him a couple of more asses his father could have fun with. no more take turns in family reunions. and then i winnuked him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [..sortof soundly demonstrates his 'je ne sais quoi' with the opposite sex...] hi there wanna chaat? > yhou owugly aslut what are u on about? > nothing did you just call me an ugly slut????? leena No such nick/channel ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [The channel is silent for a while, when suddenly....] haha uhh, wrong window :) hahahahaha ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm big, I'm bad I'm visual basic 5. jesus ! what a moron ------------------------------------------------------------------------ hey! lets start speaking assembly! mov ax,55h inc edx imul edx,eax <_rudeboy> mov [hell], ice-r0x0r ------------------------------------------------------------------------ My midget just woke up fellas <_y> I think he means he has an erection ------------------------------------------------------------------------ <_y> sometimes I use a hex editor and then just edit all my stuff <_y> and don't save it <_y> ha ha ha <_y> man, I'm stoned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ dagnabbit dagnabbit? heh yah, personalized form of damn making it a somewhat lighter, no * Kwazy_W prefers "bloody fucking hell!" but thats taste i guess :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is from the takeover of #cracking4newbies anyone who talks shit gets a beautiful +B! hahaha ... gimme one you gay homosexual I want one ... shithead HIT ME come on ahhh looser *** skorpi0n sets mode: +b *!*@ *** You was kicked by skorpi0n (banned) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Again the lame takeover ... it's just *SO* lame .. geez .. don't you have any other things to do ? wOODY^dRN: Well, this is one of few activities that requires no brainpower whatsoever. Jerking off is another... but they are already typing with one hand... So, well... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ that's all for today !