Cracking for newbies #3 - by woody^drn How to crack WinAmp Skin Maker v1.2 at Now this is a very easy task :) First run the program and lets check what it says. About->Register. I write woody and 111666111 as my serial. Now it says "Wrong registration number!", hmmm doesn't look like a messagebox so it's probably a dialogbox. I'm gonna try breaking on getdlgitemtexta in softice. Write my name and serial again, enter ... *Boom* we're in softice. okay .. F11 to get the caller. and we land here: * Reference To: USER32.GetDlgItemTextA, Ord:00F5h | :00406D7A 8B3D74254300 mov edi, dword ptr [00432574] :00406D80 56 push esi :00406D81 FFD7 call edi :00406D83 8D442438 lea eax, dword ptr [esp+38] Right there .. well take a look at eax, ebx, ecx, edx and the other. nothing special there .. well F10 to walk further. :00406D87 6A29 push 00000029 :00406D89 50 push eax * Possible Reference to Dialog: DialogID_008A, CONTROL_ID:03FD, "" | :00406D8A 68FD030000 push 000003FD :00406D8F 56 push esi :00406D90 FFD7 call edi A call .. hmm don't wanna step into a call first time .. it's like having sex the first date you have with a girl .. I don't do that .. okay well I do but ... next line. :00406D92 8D44240C lea eax, dword ptr [esp+0C] :00406D96 50 push eax :00406D97 E894100000 call 00407E30 A call .. just walk over it .. check eax, ebx and the other. Anything special ? naah. :00406D9C 83C404 add esp, 00000004 :00406D9F 8BD8 mov ebx, eax :00406DA1 8D442438 lea eax, dword ptr [esp+38] :00406DA5 50 push eax :00406DA6 E8550F0000 call 00407D00 Something special ?? year .. type "? eax" and we'll see our serial. Okay we're close now .. :00406DAB 83C404 add esp, 00000004 :00406DAE 8BF8 mov edi, eax :00406DB0 85FF test edi, edi :00406DB2 7537 jne 00406DEB It moves eax into edi .. moves our serial into edi, and jumps .. :00406DEB 3BFB cmp edi, ebx :00406DED 7535 jne 00406E24 :00406DEF 8D44240C lea eax, dword ptr [esp+0C] Compares edi with ebx ... hmmm what's in ebx "? ebx" and it will write 2865835. Guess what ?? that's the real serial .. easy huh ? Clear our break points and press F5 and write the new serial and WOW registered! That's all ... -wOODY^dRN