The first two covers were done by cover artist Ken Copel and the last two were photographs.
We continued to use our little box in the upper right-hand corner as a mini-cover for various messages and bits of art.
Autumn 1988 was a bit different as it was simply a reprint of a photograph we had obtained from Bell Labs that demonstrated how specially designed computers could manipulate pictures and create unique and seamless images.
This was one of very few covers that did not come from in-house.
Our mini-cover, however, most certainly did.
What looks almost unidentifiable was actually a very clear message - if you knew what to look for.
Back in 1984, in our first issue, we exposed an FBI informant (John Maxfield) who was targeting hackers. Our article back then thwarted much of his work, but he continued to strike at people close to us, all the while claiming he was untouchable.
We managed to track down much of his hidden information but, rather than just let loose with a barrage of harassment, we felt a little demonstration would be more effective.
So, if you turned that little image on its side, you would see the front of the informant's office in Detroit, an address that had remained fairly unknown.
We imagine the message was sent, as the harassment stopped soon after.
Probably the most fun we ever had with a mini-cover that nobody else, save one other person, understood.
Until now.