AI Is Not the Problem - We Are

by Bob

Forget Artificial Intelligence (AI).

What about human intelligence?

Humans, despite all the rumors, are getting smarter year over year.  But, you throw in TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter in there and we are getting stupider.  AI will not fix that, ever.  Social media presents people's lives as perfect, of course.  Because the narrative is controlled and it makes others feel bad about themselves.  But it is all lies.

The argument that AI will eventually become sentient is still relatively tenuous.

But, to tie this together to social media, the argument is that ethical codes in each case have not been fully figured out.  And social media is a relatively mature platform.  Social media and AI were created and advanced upon us long before the ethics were determined.  So now there is a game of catch-up occurring and it is really hard to catch up.  So, the use of each is like the Wild West.

The larger danger at hand is disinformation.

So, forget the fear about AI and concentrate on the human element of the world and social media.  That is the real danger - always has been and always will be.  Look at the media, social media, and disinformation and the garbage that is spewed out on those platforms.  They are allowed to do so because they are not held accountable.  And people on social media are not held accountable either.  This is due to the lack of an ethical code.  An ethical code upheld by the users and the platforms themselves.

If you tell someone they are spewing disinformation, they will block you, disagree with you, or offer up a nice ad hominem attack.  Or another favorite is specious argument.

Example:  Trump is crook, one might say.  The response oftentimes is so is Biden.  Well, wait a minute, the original statement was about Trump.  The discussion should be contained to Trump in this case.  If you want another argument about Biden, then start it and limit it to Biden.

And while some of this is done in person, the worst offender is social media.

Distance gives us courage that we would not otherwise have.  Remember that we are humans and we can control all of this hatred or even control AI.  But it requires smart people to ask the right questions, do the right thing, and to disrupt disinformation and AI.  As if it was that simple.

We collectively need to deprogram people from the disinformation of the media and social media.  Easier said than done.  The easiest thing to do is follow an ethical code and disrupt social media.  But that has yet to happen.

There is a good argument to limit and regulate social media from a third-party.

It has become obvious that the big players in social media cannot or will not police themselves.  Or they cannot do it effectively.  And social media feeds the addiction of checking smart phones every 30 seconds.  What are people saying?  What are they saying about me?  What celebrity just died?  And is it a real post?  It is not AI that is dividing the country; it is disinformation from social media and gullible people on social media that believe that garbage.

And if this disinformation is mentioned or taken down, it is called censorship.  It is not censorship because social media companies are private and fall under different rules than government entities.  (Editor's Note:  It is censorship.  Just because a private entity does it, doesn't make it any better.  They should support the spirit of free speech.)  But this speaks to a lack of understanding by people about the law.  It also speaks to the lack of understanding by the platforms as well.  It also indicates the lack of critical thinking that is needed to fix this problem.

So, while there is a panic about AI, perhaps it's an artificial panic.

The real panic should be concerning human intelligence.  So don't worry about AI.  Worry about the human condition and the lies we tell ourselves to promote discord.

News from social media should fall under a zero trust model.

(Editor's Note:  No, news from jewish sources should fall under a zero trust model.  Try getting an update on the genocide in Gaza from any (((mainstream media))) source.)

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