The Problem of Effective and Usable Strong Passwords

by William Ben Bellamy Jr.

Note that in this article the word "password" is used for both singular words (strings) and phrases that are used as a password.

This article will focus on the following points:

Problem Statement

Typically, we each have dozens of passwords that we use regularly.  Passwords help to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the systems and services we rely on.

For the past few decades we have been indoctrinated to think that each system requires a password that is:

Compounding the problem is that each system/service that requires password authentication can enforce different requirements.

This is not sustainable.  It forces the typical person to cut corners and look for "easy" passwords which leads to writing passwords onto paper near their systems, and using easily guessable words and phrases.

I propose that a practical and sustainable solution involves taking into account the techniques that password attacks (cracking) employ, and avoiding those techniques in order to produce passwords that are unlikely to be guessed.

How Passwords Work

When you type in your password, which is simply a string of characters, your system immediately calculates the hash value of that string.

A hash value is produced by an algorithm that accepts any type or amount of material and outputs a fixed length value that uniquely represents the input material, but that cannot be reversed to find the original input material.  It then sends the hash value to another system as proof that you are who you say you are - someone with permissions to access that system or service.

That system - and network - only ever sees the hash value of your password, never the actual password.

The back-end system compares the hash value you provided with its own stored copy of your password's hash value.  If the two match, it can be assumed that you typed the correct password and have some degree of authorization on that system.  If they do not match, then the correct password was not provided and no access is granted.

How Passwords Are Cracked

An attacker who has access to the password hash for an account/service will attempt to "crack" the hash value in order to learn the original password that was used to create that hash value and consequently have access to that protected resource or system.

There are two main approaches to cracking passwords: online and offline:

Passwords usually are represented by their "hash value."

A hash is a mathematical function that accepts any amount or type of material and produces a fixed length value that identifies the input material - both the content and the order - and which is computationally infeasible to reverse the process to determine a password given its hash value.  If any portion of that material is changed, the fresh hash will be dramatically different from the previous.  Also, it is mathematically infeasible to reverse a hash back to its original input.  So a hash is like an absolutely precise fingerprint of the original material.

"Password cracking" is the process of working through a word list, and taking each word and hashing it in the same way that an unknown password was hashed.  The two hashes are then compared and, if they match, you now know the original password.  If they do not match, you try the next word in your list.

In addition, "rules" are applied to each word from your list.

These rules describe how the initial word should be modified, manipulated, or in some way changed.  These changes are intended to test variations on a word in ways that a person is likely to modify a common word in order to harden their password.  The language used for rules is rather obscure and difficult to master.  So most crackers will rely on existing rule sets rather than fine-tune them for a specific target.  The actual word list, however, is often created with a specific target in mind.

These manipulations include, along with many, many more:

In this way, a single word from a word list can be morphed into hundreds of variations, most of which the attacker might never think of.

What Makes a Password "Strong?"

There are at least four factors that we can easily control that determine how strong a password is.

1.)  The number of characters making up the password.  The more the better.  Each additional character astronomically multiples the number of guesses required.  Eventually the attacker will reach a point of diminishing returns and terminate the attack.

2.)  The size of character sets.  A character set is a collection of related characters.  For example, uppercase English letters, lowercase English letters, Arabic numerals, Roman numerals, special characters, and so on.

The more character sets we use in a password, the stronger it will be.

It takes ten symbols to represent the Arabic numerals 0-9.  It takes 26 symbols to represent the lowercase English alphabet.  So, in general, it is better to use larger character sets, and several of them.

  • Alpha uppercase and lowercase = 52  (a-z and A-Z)
  • Numerals = 10  (0-9)
  • Roman Numerals = 3 characters in 4 combinations and 1-4 symbols  (I-X) (there is no zero)
  • Typable special characters = ~32
  • Alt-characters - extended ASCII = ~129-255 (
  • Unicode - astronomical count, but often impractical to type.  (Unicode Charts)

So the size of a character space composed of upper and lower alpha, numerals, and special characters combined is ~94 potential characters.

3.)  Length of the password.  It is that simple, yet extremely powerful.  The longer the better.  Every additional character dramatically increases the number of possible character combinations (complexity), making it increasingly computationally infeasible to successfully crack/guess.

4.)  Frequency of change.  A password is effective only for as long as it takes to crack/guess it.  The previous steps will increase the time necessary to crack/guess your password to the point it is no longer feasible for an attacker to continue.

A Suggested Solution

The following suggestions will help create effectively strong passwords.

You can use some or all of these to build a password.  Remember that the key to an effectively strong password is the length of the string and the size of the character space.

Assuming your password is effectively attack-resistant to the point it is unlikely to be cracked, you can consider using a single password on many systems, and for a long time.  And in any case, if it is cracked, the information about you on one system usually does point to the other systems you use.

General Suggestions

The Detailed Steps

In addition, you can use the core portion of a password over and over and simply increment one character, the salt:

Things Not to Include in Building a Password

An Example

In this example, note that I am not using all of the possible suggestions.

Use those that will help create a long and complex string that frustrates the techniques attackers use to crack/guess passwords.

How to Remember a Strong Password

So far, great.

We have the information for developing a functionally strong password, one that is crack/guess-resistant.  But, now we have to remember that long string of characters.  Regardless of how effective a password is, if it is not easy to remember and use, it won't remain effective.

Fortunately, there is no real difference between the words and phrases we have already learned as language and those that are contrived for use as passwords.  So to "learn" these stronger passwords, simply use the techniques we used to memorize all of the words and phrases we already know.

1.)  Keep the length relatively short: 24-32 characters.  Balance the number or words with their aggregate length.  For example, two short words and one long word, or two long words and one short word.  I find that less than 33 characters is comfortable as long as there is a meaning underneath that makes sense to me.

2.)  Make the component words memorable.  The password needs to be thought of as a single idea rather than a bunch of keystrokes.

In the example "nnood Ha(k [poi C0ffee", the core idea is "Mood hack with coffee".  "Mood" uses "nn".  "Hack" uses "(".  "[poi" is just easy to type filler.  "Coffee" simply uses a zero.  Then end with two spaces.  And spaces used as delimiters.  Just a few tweaks on three words that constitute a meaningful phrase.

3.)  Muscle memory.  Open an editor and type your new password over and over until your fingers are comfortable with the movements that are used.  Start slow and deliberate, and increase the speed as you are comfortable.  The key is that after a short while you will stop thinking about the individual characters you are typing and begin to understand them as a few words, and finally as one movement.

For example, type the following:

the dir path xcopy format python list computer host

Notice how your mind and fingers know commonly typed material as a single movement (each word is a single movement).

You do not think about each letter or the order of letters, you simply think about the word.  It is the same as playing a musical instrument.  Your hands know how to play an "F" chord rather than getting each finger to a particular place on your instrument.  A "G" major scale is one long movement rather than a bunch of delicate movements.

So practice typing your new password until it is more automatic than deliberate.


This approach, or some variation on it, should allow you to consider using a single password on several systems, and for a longer time.  That is because if your password hash is stolen, the attacker is unlikely to crack/guess such a long complex password.

This approach should also help make longer more complex passwords memorable and usable.

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