#!/bin/sh # So someone mentioned wanting to "switch" Tor exit nodes. # You can't really choose the node your existing instance of Tor comes # through, but what you can do is spawn a new instance of Tor, giving you the # option of (likely) a new exit node. The more instances you spawn, the more # exit-nodes you'll likely have to choose from. Anyway, this script uses the # idea to spawn several Tor processes to scan a mark. # I used ncat for the sake of accessability. # # This script can also be used to directly scan onion addresses. # # Example: ./tscan.sh scanme.nmap.org # # - Justin Parrott # # P.S. It appears that the connection timeout functionality of ncat # doe sn't have an effect when connecting through a proxy, so # scanning dark boxes takes a pretty long time; be patient. NUMTHREADS=10 # number of parallel connects to run STARTPORT=1 # start the scan at this target port STOPPORT=1024 # stop the scan at this target port NUMTORS=10 # number of Tor instances we'll create TORSP=9051 # NUMTORS Tor processes listen starting here VERBOSE=0 # show the failed connects also usage() { echo "usage: $0 [options] host " >&2 echo " -P torport First Tor port, intrements for each instance" >&2 echo " -s startport Where to start the scanning (port number)" >&2 echo " -S stopport Where to stop the scanning (port number)" >&2 echo " -t numthreads Number of connections to execute in parallel" >&2 echo " -T numtors Number of Tor instances to start" >&2 echo " -v Verbose (print the closed ports as well)" >&2 exit 1 } while getopts P:s:S:t:T:v opt do case "$opt" in P) TORSP="$OPTARG";; s) STARTPORT="$OPTARG";; S) STOPPORT="$OPTARG";; t) NUMTHREADS="$OPTARG";; T) NUMTORS="$OPTARG";; v) VERBOSE=1;; \?) usage;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) if [ $# -ne 1 ] then usage fi HOST="$1" echo "# Spawning TOR processes" >&2 set -- i=0 while [ $i -lt $NUMTORS ] do tor -f NONE --allow-missing-torrc --quiet SocksPort $((TORSP+i)) DataDirectory /tmp/tor-$i & set -- $@ $! i=$((i+1)) done torprocs="$@" echo "# Tor PIDs: $torprocs" >&2 echo "# Waiting 10 seconds for bootstrapping" >&2 sleep 10 tcping() { ncat --proxy-type socks5 --proxy$((TORSP+RANDOM%NUMTORS)) -z "$host" "$port" >/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ] then echo "$port open" elif [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ] then echo "$port closed" fi } echo "# Beginning scan" >&2 i="$STARTPORT" running_threads=0 set -- while [ "$i" -le "$STOPPORT" ] do port="$i" host="$HOST" tcping & set -- $@ $! running_threads=$((running_threads + 1)) i=$((i+1)) if [ $running_threads -eq "$NUMTHREADS" ] then while [ "$1" != "" ] do wait $1 shift done running_threads=0 fi done echo "# killing TOR processes" >&2 kill -INT $torprocs 2>/dev/null wait echo "# finished" >&2 #anyway, just a thought.. ymmv