import os from hashlib import sha256 # Calculate the block id and hash def calcblock(bts, numblocks): hsh = sha256(bts) block = int.from_bytes(hsh.digest(), byteorder='little', signed = False) % numblocks return block, bytes(hsh.hexdigest(), "utf-8") # does what the name says def encryptdata(value, pwd, blocksize): # SHA-256 hash of the password will always be 32 bytes pwsh = sha256(bytes(pwd, "utf-8")).digest() if (len(value) < blocksize): # If too short pad with spaces val = value.decode("utf-8").ljust(blocksize) value = bytes(val, "utf-8") return bytes(a ^ b for a, b in zip(value, pwsh)) # does what the name says def decryptdata(value, pwd, blocksize): # SHA-256 hash of the password will always be 32 bytes pwsh = sha256(bytes(pwd, "utf-8")).digest() if (len(value) < blocksize): # If too short pad with spaces val = value.decode("utf-8").ljust(blocksize) value = bytes(val, "utf-8") try: val = bytes(a ^ b for a, b in zip(value, pwsh)).decode("utf-8") except: val = "End of message" return val def writefsys(fsys, fname, pwd, blocksize, numblocks): # Calculate the first block as the hash of filename+passphrase block, hshval = calcblock(bytes(pwd + fname, 'utf-8'),numblocks) outf = open(fsys, "r+b") with open(fname, "rb") as inf: while True: value = if value == b'': break # end of file #print("Writing to block " + str(block) #print(value.decode("utf-8")) byts = encryptdata(value, pwd, blocksize) * blocksize) outf.write(byts) # the next block is based on hash of this block's hash block, hshval = calcblock(hshval, numblocks) # This is just a bespoke end of file marker value = bytes("End of message".ljust(blocksize), "utf-8") #print("Writing to block " + str(block)) #print (value.decode("utf-8")) byts = encryptdata(value, pwd, blocksize) outf.write(byts) inf.close() outf.close() def readfsys(fsys, fname, pwd, blocksize, numblocks): value = "" rc = "" # Calculate the first block as the hash of filename+passphrase block, hshval = calcblock(bytes(pwd + fname,'utf-8'), numblocks) with open(fsys, "rb") as inf: while True: #print ("Reading from block " + str(block)) * blocksize) binarydata = value = decryptdata(binarydata, pwd, blocksize) if value.startswith("End of message"): break rc += value # the next block is based on hash of this block's hash block, hshval = calcblock(hshval, numblocks) inf.close() return rc # Entry point to program if __name__ == '__main__': # The file which contains the file system fsys = "/media/x/y/bigfile" # A file with the message that must remain secret fname = "./secretmessage.txt" # A secret passphrase pwd = "To Heloise" # The blocksize we're using (bytes) bsz = 32 # Size of the fsys file fsz = os.path.getsize(fsys) # number of blocks in the file system blknum = int(fsz/bsz) - 1 # Write the file contents to the filesystem writefsys(fsys, fname, pwd, bsz, blknum) # Read it back msg = readfsys(fsys, fname, pwd, bsz, blknum) # Display the message print(msg)