Spring:  This was a tribute to some massive and embarrassing bugs that had recently been revealed.

Flaws had just been discovered that could have affected almost any computer made in the past 20 years.  Known as Spectre and Meltdown, the bugs primarily affected Intel chips.  Thus, the "I Can Hack Chips" meme was born, along with a picture of a bag of chips over a circuit board with a great big "LOL" emblazoned on it.

And it didn't end there.

Researchers had discovered yet another bug that caused many iOS and Mac apps to crash when rendering two characters in Telugu, a south Indian language.  It affected iPhones, iPads, Macs, and even Watch OS devices that displayed text containing the symbol on their screens.  When one of the two symbols is displayed in an app, the software would crash immediately, and often the app wasn't able to be reopened and had to be reinstalled.

So naturally, we printed the characters on the circuit board (under the "P" in "CHIPS" and above the three dots at the bottom).

We made sure it wouldn't affect anyone reading this issue on a Mac device.

On the bottom-left next to the barcode, you'll see a picture of Marjory Stoneman Douglas, the namesake of the high school where a tragic shooting had recently taken place.

Under that picture is an excerpt from a crib sheet President Donald Trump had written with numbered key points to cover in his meeting with students from that school ("5 I hear you.").

The notes had been revealed after cameras captured them at the meeting.  And, just for the fun of it, we inserted the surprised face of a woman who had just seen Beyoncé and Jay-Z in a hotel corridor onto one of the affected chips.  It was also a very popular meme at the time.

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