Autumn:  Tape Recorder.  The particular model of tape recorder was the same that editor Emmanuel Goldstein had as an eleven-year-old.

The Panasonic name was jumbled and replaced with an anagram that read "Asnapicon" while keeping the Panasonic font.  This was a reference to Donald Trump (a snap icon) winning the Republican inauguration.

The logo on the upper-right was replaced with the word Legacy, as we were either going to get a Legacy Clinton or a Legacy Trump as our next leader, plus the technology itself could certainly be described with that word.

Silhouettes over the tape carrier were Trump yelling into a microphone and Alex kicking Dim from the film adaptation of A Clockwork Orange.

The tape recorder's transport control labels (RECORD, REWIND, FF, PLAY, STOP, EJECT) were replaced with REPEAT, WARNING, IGNORE, HISTORY, DELETE, PROGRESS.  That helped construct the message from this bit of ancient technology.

The REPEAT and HISTORY buttons were pressed, indicated that those who repeat history and ignore warnings would delete any progress.

The background of the image was an American flag superimposed on a gritty ornate sidewalk.

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