Linux Pwned - Just Not By Me

by Edster @ 2600 Dublin

If you ask Linux experts or admins, they will tell you "Linux doesn't get viruses."

It is common to hear people saying you do not need to worry about anti-virus software unless you are living in Windows land.  This is not quite as true as you think.

About a month ago, my main home system rebooted a few times without warning and made me suspicious.  I ran a virus check / malware check / rootkit check and none of them found anything at all.  As always - clean.  A week later, a letter came in the post from my ISP letting me know I had the Linux/Ebury virus - they monitor for various types of traffic and spotted it coming out from my IP.

I had never heard of the Linux/Ebury virus and spent the first few minutes trying to work out if this could be a scam letter that had not come from my ISP at all.  A bit of Googling later - I had some more facts and started the investigation.

This is a very interesting virus (at least to me).  It is spread by infected machines SSHing to non-infected machines.  The virus is then injected from outside the network.  Nothing is spread during the connection (I guess by definition, this stops it being a virus).

If my machine is infected and I then SSH to another server to do some maintenance work, the machine I am on sends out the username, the password, the IP address, and the port you attach on.  If any SSH connection goes in or out of the infected machine, this information gets sent.

How it gets sent is also interesting.  In an attempt to get the information out from behind firewalls and also maybe to hide it from scanners looking for suspect traffic, it sends the information as a DNS request to a server that knows the request is really an information packet to give them someone's login details: 1357924680acef123bcd.

The first part (up to the first dot) is a hashed value that has the name or password in it.  This is then followed by the IP address in what looks like a valid DNS name.  The DNS request is then sent to their server.  Each time you SSH in or out, two or three of these packets get sent.  The username and password get sent in two different request packets.

Sometime after this connection is made, the server on the outside then connects back to your IP and logs in as you.

It attempts to gain access as root (which, if you have sudo access, will be pretty easy as it has your password) and, if you logged in as root then it is instant.

If it gets control, it downloads a ready built file and replaces a library used in SSH and SSHD (the client and server software on your machine or server).

On the machine I was testing (a Ubuntu desktop), it originally had these two files:


The top one is just a link file which points to the other file.

After infection it looked like this:


The original file was still there, but the link file now pointed to the new version of the file (which was also about 30k in size instead of about 10k).

The machine rebooted at this point, and now all incoming or outgoing SSH was logged.

ClamAV - No hits.  RKhunter - no hits, etc., etc., etc.  Nothing was finding this virus.  It is well hidden and doesn't do anything obvious to the PC.  I think it is lying in wait - maybe for a massive zombie net powered by millions of Linux servers (damn scary thought).

So how do you know if you have it?  Good question.  The first step is to do:
$ ipcs -m

This shows you small packets of shared memory that have been put aside to allow two separate processes or programs to talk and swap data.  This allows the SSH and SSHD to report back and share the login details.

# ipcs -m

------ Shared Memory Segments --------
key        shmid      owner      perms      bytes      nattch     status
0x00000000 786433     bob        600        393216     2          dest
0x00000000 458754     bob        600        554432     2          dest
0x00000000 819203     bob        666        3048576    2          dest
0x00000000 131072     gbppr      600        28672      2          dest
0x00000000 131073     gbppr      600        393216     2          dest
0x00000000 131078     gbppr      600        393216     2          dest
0x00000000 131079     gbppr      600        323584     2          dest
0x00000000 131080     gbppr      600        323584     2          dest
0x00000000 32777      gbppr      600        524288     2          dest
0x00000000 10         gbppr      600        524288     2          dest
0x00000000 65548      gbppr      600        524288     2          dest
0x00000000 14         gbppr      600        524288     2          dest
0x00000000 17         gbppr      600        524288     2          dest
0x00000000 131090     gbppr      600        524288     2          dest
0x00000000 131091     gbppr      600        77824      2          dest
0x00000000 131092     gbppr      600        77824      2          dest
0x00000000 32789      gbppr      600        4194304    2          dest
0x00000000 32803      gbppr      600        4194304    2          dest
0x00000000 41         gbppr      600        524288     2          dest
0x00000000 49         gbppr      600        524288     2          dest
0x00000000 98355      gbppr      600        675840     2          dest
0x00000000 98356      gbppr      600        675840     2          dest
0x00000000 54         gbppr      600        524288     2          dest

The first two are probably fine.  They do not raise suspicion.

The third one has a couple of telltale signs.  Number one: its security value (permissions) is "666" - it is open for any process to be able to attach to and read/write.  This is pretty lapsed security and most programmers would hopefully not do it.  It is also approximately three megabytes in size.

This is probably a hit.

Note when you reboot, these shared files will not exist.  It only makes them after it has the first login to transmit.  The next step would be to check the libkeyutils files and the SSH and SSHD files.  If it looks modified, the last test is to capture some network traffic and look for strange DNS requests while you SSH in or out.  Think Wireshark / tcpdump, etc.

Another sample output of ipcs -m on an infected machine:

------ Shared Memory Segments --------
key        shmid      owner      perms      bytes      nattch     status
0x000006e0 32763      user       666        3018428    0          dest
0x00000469 65538      root       666        4313584    0          dest
0x0000047a 131072     smmsp      666        3966496    0          dest

In order to check the owner, use the -p flag:

# ipcs -mp

------ Shared Memory Creator/Last-op --------
shmid      owner      cpid       lpid
1769472    root       1975       1975
2129921    root       2931       2940
1736706    root       1965       1965
2162691    root       2931       2940
2195460    root       2931       2940
2228229    postgres   4011       6813

Now you can verify if sshd owns any of the shared memory segments - normally it shouldn't, so if it does you can try to inspect the system further.

If the process matches sshd:

# ipcs -m -p

------ Shared Memory Creator/Last-op PIDs --------
shmid      owner      cpid       lpid
0          root       4162       4183
32769      root       4162       4183
65538      root       4162       4183
465272836  root       15029      17377

# ps aux | grep [cpid]
root     11531  0.0  0.0 103284   828 pts/0    S+   16:40   0:00 grep 15029
root     15029  0.0  0.0  66300  1204 ?        Ss   Jan26   0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd

An sshd process using shared memory segments larger than three (3) megabytes (3,145,728 bytes) and with broad permissions (666) is a strong indicator of compromise.

Now for the cleanup.

The first step is to lock them out of your machine.  SSH onto the machine (or, if possible, do it from the terminal).  Set the file back to the original.

On my example machine:

# cd /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
# rm
# ln -s
# mv libkeyutils.offline

Reboot and check again.  If it is all clear, then change all of your passwords (especially root and any users with Sudo access) and delete all SSH keys.

This is really only a temporary patch to give you some time to make sure your backups are ready for a reload.  You have no idea what else they have changed or embedded into your system while they were logged on, so please rebuild and restore from a good backup.

Final thoughts: Remember, Linux can get viruses.

There are a lot fewer than Windows has - but they do exist.

Be careful and keep your system as secure as possible.

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