
Winter focused on the steady death of reading and the rise of an intellectual Armageddon.

The Noun Project's "library" icon was colorized and put behind the universal no symbol.

The book in the logo (which is now forbidden) says ">140" which refers to the maximum length of 140 characters of a tweet, the increasingly preferred method of communication in this era.

The entire red, white, and blue image is placed over a destroyed library or bookstore, with piles of ruined paper and books in the background.  (This cover was published right when Borders Books had gone out of business - they had been the second largest retailer of 2600 for many years).

In today's abbreviated terminology, "TL;DR" usually means "Too Long, Didn't Read."

Here, it is spelled out as an ominous hash tagged "#too late; didn't read."

The writing is in green, like an old CRT monitor.

The graffiti sprayed in the background reads 1971-2011, an allusion to the 40 years that Borders Books had been in business.

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