Summer:  The cover was a shot of some old-school data tapes that appeared to hold some rather interesting bits of information, including:

  • KH-5 reconnaissance satellite data.
  • The beginnings of Facebook.
  • Tweets from 2001 to 2006 that are stored at the Library of Congress.
  • Flight data from (Pan Am Airlines had gone out of business before websites were in common use and had actually just been launched by a new television program about the airline)
  • Hawai'i Vital Statistics, specifically live births of 1961 which would include that of one Barack Obama
  • Tapes featuring Areas 49-54, 43-48, 31-36, 22-30, 1-12, 13-21, and 55-62.  Somewhere in there is Area 51.

All of this was near a cardboard box labeled "DESTROY."

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