Social Engineering from a New Perspective

by Lilith

After being in the scene since the early 1990s, I have become quite aware that fellow female hackers are a rare breed.

Whether it's lack of acceptance within the technical community, or lack of interest is enough to write another text file in and of itself.  That said, it's really lame that some of the easiest things for chix to do hasn't been passed on to the boys.  Certain hax0r suppa-stars can write books upon books on social engineering but, the fact is, we have been trained from birth to social engineer.  And let it be well known it's not all about sexuality so much as manipulation.

In order for something to be done right, one must really have a f*cking clue as to what they are doing, what the goal is, and how to get the positive result from the variable of an ending.  Let me break it down.

There is a large perception that social engineering is based on knowledge and proof of presence.  In other words, if you can out-tech and seem professional, you will go far.  Yeah, that may work for men and those who refuse to let their egos down for a second and work in reverse.  This doesn't have much to do with using sexuality to get your way.  Women already know how to do this and it won't work with guys doing it to guys... so let's skip that.


An Alternate Phone Number:  I recommend  It's free and you can use it for incoming and outgoing calls.  Skype is O.K.  I don't think I have to remind anyone here that all of these accounts should be established using alternative alias' and paid for with Visa/MasterCard gift cards.

Borrowed Wi-Fi:  Nice to use, and maybe your neighbor doesn't mind (don't ask, don't tell).

Your Research:  Always spend some time doing research on your mark.  You will look like a f*cking moron of you don't.

Instead of me trying to write it out in some dime store psycho babble, let me give you some great examples of what I mean, and we can try and make them apply to the estrogen challenged:

1.)  "Lisa" needs access to a company's server.  She needs a login and password.  The first thing she does is search the company website to see if she can find the list of employees in the IT department.  She chooses one, or if she can't find one, she makes a few phone calls trying to figure out who the person she needs to talk to is.  She also chooses a department she is working in and finds out the managers name.

"Lisa" calls IT guy, and frantically explains that she is a temp.  She is sick with the flu but her boss told her she can work from home.  The problem is, the information on how to access the server was wrong, and she doesn't want to ask her boss to repeat herself for fear of getting fired.  She needs this job!  Now, here's where you have to dumb it down.  You are a temp.  You know nothing!  You are a complete twit.  Men love to feel superior, and if you are a tard, it makes them feel better.  Use this to your advantage.

2.)  Need something physical?  Let's say you want to make an employee badge.  "Lisa" goes to the company and asks to speak to someone in the HR department.  Again, asking for assistance, "Lisa" reveals that her son/brother is doing a student film at school and needs an ID badge as a prop.  You called earlier and talk to someone who said that it be no problem to come down and get a sample badge (deactivated, of course).  Sound crazy?  I've done it... it works.  Film props, school projects and plays are all good excuses.  It also gives you a solid base for your lie.  You are a parent/sibling.  You are helping this kid out.  You promised you would get one for him.  Who's going to make this kid cry or get a bad grade?  This will work on most women HR people.  They aren't looking for this sort of security violation.  This has actually worked coming from a government office... and needing a realistic prop for a student film.  Once again, your seemingly innocent request most likely won't be questioned.

If I have to explain to you what to do after you get it, you shouldn't be reading this article.

3.)  "The OMG, so do I!"  The best way to gain trust in someone is to play the very popular game of similarities.  This is something women do with each other, not usually for malicious purposes, but as a way of communicating.  Women trust easier if they can associate with you on a personal level.  "Lisa" needs to get some information from someone.  So, "Lisa" starts to lay out the groundwork, which can take it to as many levels as she needs.  Oh Lisa... you con artist!

In person (always advisable if you can) check out the personal workspace of your new friend.  Do they have pictures of kids?  Sports knick-knacks?  A f*cking ivy plant?  Well, so do you!  Time for some personal chit chat.  Women especially love it if you ask about their kids.  "Aww, what grade are they in?"  You know, your sibling/kid is that age too.  Blah blah...  Once you have traded a few bits of personal information, you gain a little trust.  People let their guard down fast.  If you can help it, try and get the info your scamming for at a later date.  Get the person's card and shoot them an email.  Lisa did this trick with a Raytheon HR employee.  She didn't get the job she came in to get information on, but she now has an inside friend.

If you are doing this over the phone, be as sweet and naive as possible.  Use the same tone of voice you use when you call your Nana.  Key things to have in common?  Work issues, management sucks, and anything that makes you an average person.

4.)  Pity.  This works especially well with women.  One thing women love to help men with is relationship issues.  Doing something under the guise of trying to help out your girlfriend is always cool.  Make sure you mention it.  Women adore and trust men that do good things for their ladies.  Yeah, I know.  Pretend.  You can do it.

5.)  This is in the "I didn't want to go there" department, but I have a close friend who screwed an operator at GTE for dial-ups and logins.  No comment on how well that sort of thing works in my favor, but hey... could be worse ways to get information!

All of this info is pretty base.  Just keep a few things in mind and you will be able to get any info out of anyone.  Be nice, be humble, and associate.  Easy.

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