#!/usr/bin/python import urllib2, urlparse, re, cookielib # This is the URL for the document S/PV.4701 in English url = "http://daccess-ods.un.org/access.nsf/Get?Open&DS=S/PV.4701&Lang=E" # This is the page on the UN website we pretend it was linked from referrerurl = "http://www.un.org/Docs/scres/2002/sc2002.htm" req = urllib2.Request(url) req.add_header('Referer', url) fin = urllib2.urlopen(req) plenrefererforward = fin.read() fin.close() # This gives a dummy page that forwards the browser to a temporary page mfore = re.search('URL=([^"]*)', plenrefererforward) turl = urlparse.urljoin(url, mfore.group(1)) # This temporary page contains two forwarding links fin = urllib2.urlopen(turl) cookielink = fin.read() fin.close() # The first to the URL of the actual PDF page mpdf = re.search('URL=([^"]*)', cookielink) pdfurl = urlparse.urljoin(turl, mpdf.group(1)) # The second to a URL containing a cookie mcookie = re.search('src="(http://daccessdds.un.org/[^"]*)', cookielink) cookieurl = urlparse.urljoin(turl, mcookie.group(1)) # Take the cookies from the cookie link cj = cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) fin = opener.open(cookieurl) fin.close() # You can't download the pdf unless you give it the cookie fin = opener.open(pdfurl) pdfdata = fin.read() fin.close() # Write the PDF data to your disk fout = open("S-PV-4701.pdf", "wb") fout.write(pdfdata) fout.close()