A Different Kind of Remote Scripting

by by Atom Smasher  (atom@smasher.org)  (PGP = 762A 3B98 A3C3 96C9 C6B7 582A B88D 52E4 D9F5 7808)

Don't trust anyone who smokes marijuana and votes for Bush.  I've had friends who have smoked plenty of pot, and I've known a few people who voted for Bush that I can get along with, but anyone who does both is bad news.  Stay away.

Before I go into too much detail, there are four pieces of this puzzle that we should get familiar with.  If you've been using UNIX/Linux for any length of time you may already be familiar with them.  Alone, they allow some neat tricks, but together they can be used for a different kind of remote scripting.

I highly recommend that these techniques be used with SSH public-key authentication.  If you want to use a cron job, then it's a necessity.  Do a web-search if you're not familiar with this; there are a lot of tutorials on the web, so I won't go into detail here.  I will point out that public-key authentication is not only more convenient than typing a passphrase but also more secure against certain attacks.

In the following examples, the assumption is that you're logged into a box running UNIX/Linux and that you have SSH access to a second box also running UNIX/Linux.  For those on a tight budget or otherwise restricted in access to resources, you can play along with two Dumpster'ed computers or two Windoze boxes after hours, some Ubuntu CDs, and a switch, router or hub.  In a pinch, a crossover Ethernet cable can do the job.

Trick 1: SSH Can Execute Remote Commands

On my laptop I can execute the uptime command and see output like this:

$ uptime
 00:07:28 up 17 days,  6:19,  2 users,  load average: 0.27, 0.45, 0.45

But what if I want to quickly run uptime on a remote server?

Of course, I could log in via SSH and type uptime.  Another way to do this is to specify uptime as an argument to SSH:

$ ssh atom@suspicious.org uptime
 23:09:13 up 1 day, 23:19,  3 users,  load average: 6.10, 6.09, 6.20

To quote from the SSH manual, "If [a] command is specified, it is executed on the remote host instead of a login shell."  That's a neat trick.  The example above shows a simple command without options or arguments, but with proper quoting this can also be used for complex commands including pipelines, lists, control operators, and scripts.

Trick 2: Command Interpreters (shells) Can Read Commands from Standard Input

$ echo uptime | sh
 00:11:11 up 17 days,  6:23,  2 users,  load average: 0.27, 0.41, 0.44

We can pipe things into sh, and they will be executed by the shell.

You don't think that's exciting?  O.K., maybe it isn't, in that example.

Instead of sh, we can also use other shells (bash, zsh, ksh) and applications that can be used as command interpreters (perl, php, python, etc.).

In the following four examples, we can use a command line interface to pipe simple commands into different applications' standard input.  The output of all four of these examples is "Hello World."

$ echo 'puts "Hello World."' | ruby
Hello World.
$ echo 'print "Hello World."' | python
Hello World.
$ echo 'print "Hello World.\n";' | perl
Hello World.
$ echo '<?php echo("Hello World.\n"); ?>' | php
Hello World.

While the rest of the examples all use the Bourne shell, the above examples demonstrate that you can use these techniques with just about any interpreted language.

Trick 3: SSH Can Pass Data Through Standard Input, Output and Error

$ echo uptime | ssh atom@suspicious.org sh
 23:22:46 up 1 day, 23:33,  3 users,  load average: 7.50, 7.26, 6.71

What's actually happening there is the local machine is echoing uptime into a pipe, the pipe is passing it to the standard input of the ssh command, which passes it to sh (again, on standard input) on the remote machine where it is executed by sh, and then the standard output is displayed locally.

Actually, if we're piping into ssh we don't have to specify the sh as a command; if we left it out, the input would be executed by the default login shell.

There are two reasons I include the sh explicitly: because it's unambiguous and because I tend to write scripts that are specific to different shells, so it's good to specify which shell to use.

$ ssh atom@suspicious.org 'echo foobar' | rot13

In the above example, the remote machine echoes foobar to standard output.

That output comes to the local machine, where it's piped through rot13.  What I see on my console is the remote machine's output, foobar, after it is ROT13-encoded on the local machine.

$ ssh atom@suspicious.org 'echo foobar 1>&2' | rot13

In this example, the remote machine echoes foobar to standard error.

Although the output is still being piped into rot13, the output is not encoded because rot13 only encodes standard output from the ssh command; the ssh command here outputs foobar on standard error, so it is not encoded.

Standard output and standard error can be treated independently on one machine, even when the command is executed on another machine.

Trick 4: SSH Will Return With the Exit Status of the Last Command It Executes

$ ssh atom@suspicious.org 'ls foobar'
ls: cannot access foobar: No such file or directory
$ echo $?

Assuming that there isn't a file in my home directory on the remote machine called foobar, the ls command will exit with a non-zero return code, and ssh will return that status to me, locally.

Note that the command argument to ssh is in single quotes.  This example would work without quotes, but it's good practice to use quotes.

For anything beyond simple commands, it becomes necessary to use quotes.  It's also worth noting that this command's output is sent to standard error; ssh then passes it to standard error on my terminal, where it can be handled differently than standard output.

Pot-Smoking Bush Voters

I wound up in a bad business deal with some pot-smoking Bush voters.

Here's the short version: I was contractually obligated to run code on their server, but I didn't want them to have the code.  I was originally contracted to build and fix back-end code for some database- driven real estate web sites.  The code I inherited made crap look good.  The only thing worse than the code I inherited was the data dumps that were supplied every night and needed to be converted into valid SQL.

The script that I inherited to do this conversion was 1500 lines of uncommented Perl which needed regular maintenance.  It typically took half an hour for the script to parse the data dump before it decided whether to function correctly, crash, or fill the SQL database with garbage.  The first thing I did on that job was to re-write it as a 15 line shell script (not counting comments) that ran in two minutes and never needed tuning.

The data dump usually came between midnight and 6 am.  Running the script from a cron job, I had to add a few things to make sure the dump was complete before parsing it; I also added a few other sanity checks.  In this case, it was better to have a day-old database than a broken database.

So, by the time it was running on auto-pilot, I had the scripts doing sanity checks; if everything checked out, then the scripts would read the data dump and convert it into SQL.  The SQL was was sanity checked and then imported into the database.

My code was running perfectly, I was making a few bucks, and I was coping reasonably well with former Marines who, instead of focusing on running the business and keeping their clients happy, kept getting all fired up about all of the great things Bush is doing, pausing only to announce the time every afternoon at 4:20.  Predictably, the business relationship turned ugly; it was time for me to leave and take my code, but I had obligations to keep them up and running.

Putting It All Together

I needed to get the scripts off of their servers, but I needed them to run every night.

Welcome to a different kind of remote scripting!

Let's combine a few of the tricks above to create a simple example of using SSH to execute scripts remotely:

$ cat test-script
## cat my plan and pipe it into rot13
cat ~/.plan | rot13

Now, let's run that simple script on a remote machine:

$ ssh atom@smasher.org sh < test-script
Pbzcyrgr, gbgny, hapbzcebzvfrq tybony qbzvangvba.

$ echo 'Pbzcyrgr, gbgny, hapbzcebzvfrq tybony qbzvangvba.' | rot13
Complete, total, uncompromised global domination.

Note that the < character is just another way for the SSH command to read standard input from a file.

A reasonably complicated example would be the database scripts I was running for my politically-challenged associates.  When the database scripts were run directly on their server, it looked like this:

$ script1 | script2 && script3

After deleting the scripts from their server and running them from my desktop, it looked like this:

$ ssh user@morons.example sh < script1 | script2 && ssh user@morons.example sh < script3

With only slight modifications to my code, I was able to run the scripts from a cron job on my desktop and have it do what it needed to do on the remote server.  The roach-toking Republicans didn't have a copy of it.  The script that did most of the real work (script2) didn't even run on their server.

The first script (script1) did the initial sanity checking of the data dump and printed the dump to standard out.

The second script (script2) read the dump from standard input and did most of the real work, spinning data dump straw into SQL gold.

The output from script2 was SQL, which it output to a bunch of temporary files which were then read by script3.

This script then did some final sanity checks and wrote the data into a new table.  It then renamed the table, so there was no downtime during updates.

The only thing I had to change was script2; instead of just writing the temporary files locally, it had to write the temp files to the server, so they could be read by script3 when it was run on the server.

O.K., some of you may be wondering, "Hey, wait a minute.  Wasn't the code on their server before you deleted it?  Didn't they have backups?"  They would have had backups if they put down the bong long enough to listen to any of my suggestions.  No, they didn't have backups.

As much as I wanted to take an active part in screwing them, I knew they'd screw themselves and save me the trouble.

Running the cron job from my desktop worked fine for about two months with no complaints from anyone.  Then I got messages from the cron job that it couldn't connect to the server.  After a few minutes of investigation I found that they chased away the last of their real estate clients and took the server off-line.  Not only did they screw themselves, but they did it right on schedule.

Security Considerations & Other Applications

This technique is useful for running a script on a machine and making it difficult to see the code, but it is not a super-secure way to keep your code from being seen.

It would be relatively easy for anyone with root access on the remote machine to capture the script being run over SSH, but I'll leave that for someone else to demonstrate.

In the example above, I was able to do the data processing on my desktop; even if the Buds For Bush intercepted the first and last script in the pipeline, they still wouldn't have had the script that does the real work.

These techniques can also be used to hide scripts on servers that scan for executable files.  Not only can the script be run remotely, but a copy of the script saved on the remote machine doesn't need to be executable to be piped into a shell and executed.

The script also doesn't need to start with hash-bang since it's not being invoked directly and doesn't need to provide the full path of the interpreter.  If that's not enough to keep your sysadmin frustrated, you can also save an encoded copy of the script, and pipe it through a decoder before piping it into an interpreter.

If you do happen to be a sysadmin, think about using this technique to run a script on multiple servers.  Instead logging in to twenty or thirty servers to do something "quick and simple," you can run a for loop on your desktop to run the script on each of the servers while you surf the web.

Even for something that you normally wouldn't script, this becomes a more appealing option as the number of boxes increases.  Something as simple as editing a configuration file on a few servers looks different when you think about it this way.

I'll leave you with a real-world example that I use regularly.

It's a script to block advertising sites using some of the third-party operating systems on a Linksys WRT-54G.  I'm currently using it with DD-WRT, and it's great for blocking banner ads on all computers connected to my home LAN.

I call the script adblock-wrt54g.sh, and it's run with no arguments from my laptop or desktop.

This makes it easy to update the list and instantly protect all of the computers on my LAN.  The script that's executed on the router is a single-quoted argument to SSH; the list that it's using is piped to SSH's standard input.

The router supports public-key authentication, so I don't have to type a passphrase when I run it.

I hope that you've learned something useful, and that you can go beyond my examples to create something useful.

Happy hacking!



## router IP address

## black-listed domains

## ~/blocked-domains is a list of domains to block, one per line
## after a space or tab, comments can be used:
##	adserver.com all ads, all the time

## adblock-wrt54g
## (c) atom@smasher.org, 5 Sep 2006
## PGP = 762A 3B98 A3C3 96C9 C6B7  582A B88D 52E4 D9F5 7808
## distributed under GPL - http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

## some builds of DD-WRT v24-sp1 have a bug that starts multiple
## dnsmasq processes, and causes blocked sites to only be blocked
## for a minute or two. if that happens, it's probably easiest to
## install a different DD-WRT build.

## the black-list is in "~/blocked-domains"
## format the list into a dnsmasq.conf file and write to the temp file
#awk '{print "address=/"$1"/"}' < ~/blocked-domains > /tmp/${tmp}

## make a backup copy of the original dnsmasq.conf, if a backup doesn't exist
## append the formatted block list to dnsmasq.conf
## kill and restart dnsmasq

awk '$1 ~ /./ {print "address=/"$1"/"}' < ${blacklist} | \
    ssh root@${router_ip_address} '[ -f /tmp/dnsmasq.conf.orig ] &&	\
    cp /tmp/dnsmasq.conf.orig /tmp/dnsmasq.conf ||			\
    cp /tmp/dnsmasq.conf /tmp/dnsmasq.conf.orig
    cat - >> /tmp/dnsmasq.conf &&					\
    killall dnsmasq
    dnsmasq --conf-file=/tmp/dnsmasq.conf'

Code: adblock-wrt54g.sh

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