The Noo World

by Agent5

This article is intended as a resource to assist the reader in understanding a topic not heavily understood as of yet.  Every person is different and every situation is different.  The information provided here is offered as a possible answer to many potential questions.  The author is not responsible in any way for any consequence resulting from reading this article.

So, suppose you're Googling around cyberspace, letting your ADD run wild, looking up any interesting words or subjects you may happen to come across.  You have every subject from aXXo to Zen Computing in a tab in your browser.  Then, you come across a word that has a nice "cyber" sort of ring to it: "Nootropics."  (Ah, boredom, the places you take me sometimes!)

Nootropics are a new type of drug.  They were originally designed to treat such neurological disorders as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and ADD/ADHD.  However, recent studies have produced results which suggest the use of Nootropics by healthy people.

Imagine, if you will, a pill that makes you more focused, helps you form memories better, or lets you stay up for days at a time without the harmful effects produced by amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine, and the like.  The new world created by learning drugs and brain enhancements is here.  I've read about it in sci-fi books, but man, it's gosh darn nifty when science fiction becomes reality.  (Kinda makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, don't it?)

There already exists a fertile market for mind enhancements.  A number of websites offer these drugs for sale.  Some sites even go as far as to have real MDs on staff that "legitimize' prescriptions for each sale after filling out a brief questionnaire.  If you answer the doctor's questions correctly, you get the drugs, just like in real life.  Heck, you can even buy in bulk.  Tempting, but I don't feel like getting arrested with kilos of prescription drugs.  "Possession with intent to distribute" doesn't sound like something I feel like spending time in jail for.

There are many nootropic drugs on the market.  After a little research, you realize just how common they are becoming.  The results can be very surprising.

Drug Information and Side Effects

Deprenyl:  A selective MAO-B inhibitor created to treat and prevent Parkinson's disease, it has been found to safely increase alertness which, in turn, allows one to be more motivated to accomplish tasks.

Modafinil:  The precise mechanism through which Modafinil promotes wakefulness is unknown.  "Tested and proven to allow one to stay awake and alert for up to 48 hours if taken correctly" (yeah, I got a little excited when I read that).  There are few side effects and they tend to be mild.  So far there has been no indication of possible death due to overdose.  Simply taking the person off the dosage will return them to normal.  One side effect seemed to be impaired speech; however, upon reading further, I found that this was after having been up for extended periods of time.  I can imagine that certain parts of the brain may not respond to this drug, and I know that when I've been up for two days, my speech is a bit slurred too.  However, documentation states that motor skills and logic centers remain alert.

One word of caution: though the manufacturer doesn't like to talk about it, Modafinil has shown to have affect the immune system.  I can almost guarantee that this is because the brain is not allowed to enter the sleep-state responsible for repairing this system.  I'm fairly certain that the manufacturer is aware of this as they have released a new and improved model called Nuvigil, but that's for another day.

Piracetam:  A cyclic derivative of GABA, it is shown to increase cognitive function and communication between the two hemispheres of the brain.  It is also thought to increase the number of cholinergic receptors in the brain.  This drug has been prescribed in cases of Alzheimer's disease, ADD, and hypoxia, for which it has been seen as a distinctly beneficial treatment.  Mild headache and increased appetite can occur, as your brain is using more choline and more glucose due to a higher cerebral metabolic rate.

Neurogenex:  A combination of brain enhancement drugs, Neurogenex is designed for longer-term use than drugs like Modafinil.  Most of the drugs in this cocktail kick in instantly, but some take about two weeks before showing any signs.  Widely used among Ivy League types, this medication has shown remarkable results and few side effects.

As with most drugs, you should not combine these with alcohol or certain medications.  And none should be taken while pregnant.

I will focus on Modafinil and Piracetam for this article due to their popularity and distinct characteristics.

While researching these drugs, I was most intrigued by Modafinil because of how well it works.  It lets you stay awake.  There is no crash after taking it for a period.  Overdosing to a dangerous level is difficult.  It's out of your system in about 15 hours.  There have been similar drugs in the past but they've all been severely controlled.  Due to the side effects and toxicity, fine required constant vigilance.

Modafinil, however, was designed so people could take it on their own, safely and, as an alternative use, an enhancement.  Drug companies round love to see this product become available over the counter; however, there is a bit of skepticism due to the somewhat recent ephedrine fiasco, which in my opinion never should have gone as far as it did.  Common sense would tell you that the drug was bad for your cardiac system.

When I tried Modafinil, I found myself in a curious state of wakefulness.  Curious because it was very mild and felt more like rejuvenation after my tiring day at work.  Upon testing by playing a video game, I found my self more effective in game play.  I had previously had trouble getting past a certain level in the game.  An hour after taking Modafinil, I found myself getting past that point with ease.  I felt as if I was retaining and using information better than before.  After I hit another point in the game where I kept dying, I decided it was time to go read a book.  I am quite proud of my library; however, I find myself rarely able to focus enough to be able to read.  This problem didn't even occur to me as I started flipping through my hardbound edition of Gray's Anatomy.

I decided to research the further capabilities of this drug and try sleeping only eight hours every other day.  I figured out a dose timing plan and went for it.  This proved very successful and I made a lot of progress in my studies and research during about three weeks of this practice.

The key, I found, is proper nutrition.  I required four meals a day on non-sleep days.  But throughout the entire ordeal I was very vigilant and able to carry out my daily duties easily.  The only annoyance was a slight headache now and then; this went away when supplemented with choline.  Now, I would never recommend trying this for such a long period, as doing so will most definitely wreak chaos on your system.

I then found Piracetam (also known as Nootropil), which is fairly easily available for all accounts and purposes and, from what I read, very safe with a mild non-stimulant effect.  I found this to be quite accurate.  After a brief "loading phase" I found my long and short-term memory improving.  Long-lost memories came back and new acquaintances' names were effortless to remember.  There was a distinct increase in reflexive motor function and even hearing.  I can catch things that others knock over in mid-air, and have no trouble making out lyrics of songs on the radio.  My overall attitude has improved as well.

As with Modafinil, I would suggesting supplementing Piracetam with DMAE or centrophenoxine.  My opinion of the two is that Piracetam is much safer and creates the results I'm looking for perfectly.

I did not write this article as a "how-to guide" by any means.  It should only serve as a means of informing those otherwise ignorant of the new age we are entering - one where higher I.Q. comes in pill form, and reflexes like Jet Li's are sold at the pharmacy.

Thank you for reading.

I hope I have helped answer some questions, but I hope even more that I have helped you create many new questions of your own.  Keep in mind that your brain is a precious thing.  Self-medication is dangerous, especially with powerful cerebral drugs such as these.

You could possibly damage yourself severely.  Remember, only a few neurons stand between a properly functioning brain and turning yourself into a cactus.

"Brought to you from the makers of sharp things."  Shout outs to Port7Alliance, GeekLoveRadio, and The DDP.  Keep freedom free.

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