Ringtone Download Folliez

by GurtDotCom

In today's age, most people treat their cellular phone like the clothes they wear.

They change almost every customizable feature of the device, from face plates to wallpapers.  The most important feature is the ringtone.

Let's say that Mr. ReclusiveShyGuy is walking around Barnes & Noble looking to pickup the latest edition of 2600 when all of a sudden you hear Nasty Girl by The Notorious B.I.G. ringing out from his pocket.

This can say a lot about his character.  A lot more than he ever will.  My point is that cell phone ringtones are an extension of you.  They say a lot about you.  Imagine a 300 pound biker dude walking down the street and his phone starts playing I Feel Pretty.  It tells you something.

With such a huge variety of ringtone options ranging in types (polyphonic, MP3, etc.) and genres (country, rap, etc.) there is a huge market on the Internet for purchasing these ringtones.  Most services out there allow you to directly shop for and download your favorite song onto your phone without ever touching a computer.  Other companies allow you to shop online and pay for your tones and they will send the ringtone to your phone automatically.

There is a flaw that is easy to exploit.  You can download your favorite ringtones that run anywhere from 60 cents to five dollars for free.  I will describe one way of doing this below.  Please know that this is not right or legal.

There are many different ways of going about this.

First off, I use a PC-to-phone USB cable that I purchased on eBay to transfer my highly discounted ringtone to my phone.  You have other options.  Most service providers allow you to send multimedia messages from an email account to your phone (i.e., send an email to 2135554565@mms.mycingular.com with the ringtone as an attachment [2135554565 being your cell number]).  Use the method you like.

First things first.

Go to a ringtone site and look for your favorite song.  Here are a few sites that this works on:

Every site is different so the methods you must use will vary.

Just keep the same idea and you can get it done.

For my example I used www.polyphonic-ringtones-logos.co.uk.  First I searched and found my ringtone The Muppets - Mah Nà Mah Nà on the site.

I clicked on the link and brought up the ringtone's page.

I then clicked on the speaker icon next to the ringtone title.  This brings open a new browser window that looks like this:

Next I right-clicked in that window and clicked properties like this:

I then clicked and selected the "Address (URL):" and copied that to my clipboard.

Next, I opened up my Mickey Mouse HTML editor (FrontPage), clicked to open a file, and pasted this URL in the "Filename" block and hit Enter.

This opened up a read-only version of that page.  The neat thing about this site and most of the others is that they rely on JavaScript in most of their features which allows us to explore their code when viewing the source.

From this point I just click to view the source and it looks something like this:

    <title>The Muppets - Manamana</title>
      // (C) Van den Boom Media 2001-2002
      img_speaker = "http://www.ringtonio.nl/images/sp1.gif";
      img_folder = "http://www.ringtonio.nl/images/map4.gif";
      mleft = 130;
      mtop = 30;
      bgplay = "http://www.gologo.nl/images/standardplay.png";
      bgsend = "http://www.gologo.nl/images/standard.png";
      d = document;
      bd = "http://www.ringtonio.nl";
      d.writeln(' <link rel = "stylesheet"
          type = "text/css"
          href = "'+bd+'/css/11422.css"> ');
          d.writeln(' <scr '+' ipt> ');
            d.writeln('function send (id)'); d.writeln('{'); d.writeln('window.open (bd+"/send/?id="+id+"&rtaff=2958&clx=1&myid=&brpc=&rtlo=11422","sendpop","toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=617,height=450,screenX=0,screenY=0,top=0,left=0");'); d.writeln('}'); d.writeln('function play (id)'); d.writeln('{'); d.writeln('window.open (bd+"/play/?id="+id+"&rtaff=2958&clx=1&myid=&brpc=&rtlo=11422","playpop","toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=300,height=160,screenX=0,screenY=0,top=0,left=0");'); d.writeln('}'); d.writeln('function nix ()'); d.writeln('{'); d.writeln('return;'); d.writeln('}'); d.writeln('</scr' + 'ipt>');
    table {
      font-family: verdana;
      font-size: 9pt;

    a:active {
      font-family: verdana;
      font-size: 9pt;
      font-weight: bold;
      text-decoration: none;
      font-style: normal;
      color: #0000EE;

    a:hover {
      font-family: verdana;
      font-size: 9pt;
      font-weight: bold;
      text-decoration: none;
      font-style: normal;
      color: #0000EE;
  <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="5" topmargin="15" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0">
    <table width="290" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">
        <td rowspan="2" valign="top" width="82">
            <img src="polyfoon-en.jpg">
            <embed type="audio/mp3" src="http://content.ringtonio.nl/mp3/21531.mp3" hidden="TRUE" loop="TRUE" volume="100%" autostart="true" width="128" height="128">
        <td valign="top">
          <font size="-2">You're listening to:</font>
          <b>The Muppets <br>Manamana </b>
            <a href="http://content.ringtonio.nl/mp3/21531.mp3" target="_new">Don't hear anything? Click here!</a>
            <a href="javascript:nix();" onclick="send('81757&brpc='); return false;">Order this ringtone <br>
            <font size=-2>Language:</font>
          <a href="?id=81757&rtaff=2958&clx=1lé&rtlo=11422&setlang=nl1" border=0>
            <img src="../images/flg/nl.png" border=0 alt="Nederlands">
          </a>&nbsp; <a href="?1d=81757&rtaff=2958&clx=1&rtlo=11422&setlang=en" border=0>
            <img src="../images/flg/gb.png" border=0 alt="English">
          </a>&nbsp; <a href="?1d=81757&rtaff=2958&c1lx=1&rtlo=11422&setlang=de" border=0>
            <img src="../images/flg/de.png" border=0 alt="Deutsch">
          </a>&nbsp; <a href="?id=81757&rtaff=2958&clx=1&értlo=11422&setlang=fr" border=0>
            <img src="../images/flg/fr.png" border=0 alt="Francais">

The key snippet we are looking for is: content.ringtonio.nl/mp3/21531.mp3

Using a blank HTML page in FrontPage, you just create a link to that address and then save and open your new HTML page.

With it open, you just right-click on the link and hit "Save Target As..." and save it to your box.

O.K., now you have a polyphonic MP3 on your computer.

Unless your phone will recognize and play MP3s, you are out of luck.  My phone does not.

It will only play MIDIs and AMR files.  You need to convert your newly acquired MP3 file into AMR or MIDI.

Nokia has made this very easy.  Using their free utility Nokia Multimedia Converter 2.0, you can specify the file size cutoff (my phone only allows files up to 64k) and convert your ringtone.

Now you have your ringtone in AMR format and can either transfer it to your phone via sync cable or through a multimedia message as an attachment.


This particular method I described is very "bailing wire and duct-tape."

If anything, it serves as a starting point for you to learn if you didn't know already.  As I stated before, there are many different ways of doing this.  It is kind of fun to go through and find more efficient ways while trying different sites.

Please remember that this is not legal nor is it fair to the ringtone companies that slave over the works of others and sell them for up to five dollars a pop.

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