Winter  The Winter 2004-2005 cover was the only one this year that didn't come from an actual propaganda image.

It was a tinted black and white photo of yet another graveyard scene with all kinds of interesting tombstones, some modified and some not.

The inscription of "HIS WIFE" on the back of a tombstone was actually how some of them read in the original photo, along with location markers like "2E 2600" in the foreground.

There was "HIS WIFE BELLE," born February 2, 1887 (around the time that the Bell System was born, but not the exact date - however, this is the precise date of the very first recognized Groundhog Day), died January 1, 1984 (which correlates to when the breakup of the Bell System came into force as part of divestiture).

Another tombstone was labeled "HIS WIFE HOPE," born 1994 and apparently still alive (an obvious reference to the HOPE conferences, which began in 1994).

All sorts of images appear on the other tombstones: Winston Churchill, Uncle Sam, Ronald McDonald, Karl Marx; the logos for Microsoft, the MPAA, CBS, the United Nations, OPEC; and artwork from previous covers.

There was even an image of a hangman's noose.  All of it represented elements from our past.

There was also one entirely black tombstone.

On the bottom-right of the picture, four S's were visible, which was the lettering printed on the boarding pass of someone being subjected to additional screening.

In addition, if you looked at the cover under a ultraviolet light, you would have seen an image of George W. Bush in the upper right-hand corner and the word "ERASE" on the blank tombstone in the front.

And if you looked really carefully, you could see Bush in a flight suit standing behind a tombstone in the distance.  (Keep in mind, this issue came out right after his reelection.)

As far as we know, this is the only cover where we had two different obscured images of the same president.

The propaganda message printed here was one that was being used commonly in New York: "IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING."

There was quite a lot to see here.

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