FC.EXE to the Rescue

by akaak

I don't know who said that the best things in life are free, but in many ways the best utilities in computer life are free.

In the following example, the utility in question comes a la DOS/Microsoft, is called FC.EXE, and can be found in the Windows command directory.

This is a handy little program for comparing the data values contained in two different files, and its use saved a friend from at least a month of reentering boxes of bills and/or suffering possible income tax invasion.

A bit of background:

A friend runs a very, very small design company and runs it on a frayed shoestring, but has managed to eke out a survival for the past decade.

As it happens will all struggling entrepreneurs, he got a call from the tax department wanting to audit not just his last year's expenses, but his expenses for the past seven years, which is the statutory limit they are entitled to go back and audit at a whim.

As a rule, small, struggling firms are perfect for the tax department as any company that's not struggling can at least put up a decent defense, so the tax department prefers to target the really, really small companies who are like wounded animals; they're easy prey.

While my friend had all of his tax info entered in a popular small business accounting program, his ex-partner had done the accounting and had the passwords for the last six years, but had split the scene a year ago and who was who knows where.  Buddy did not remember nor could he find the passwords for the past six years, and only had the password since he started doing the accounting last year.

I checked around on the Internet for password cracks for this program and found some pricey programs for all of the other small business accounting software, but not this one.

My friend had upgraded the program a few times and this version was circa 1998/1999.

I pondered several solutions, like helping him with a brute-force/dictionary attack, or possibly SoftICE but this kind of stuff is out of my realm as I'd never done anything like this before, or even used these types of programs.

On top of this, the accounting program boasted "PGP Armor Password" something or other, which seemed pretty daunting to me, an average computer user.  As well, I had no idea as to how long the passwords would be, so from what I'd read, a dictionary attack could take a long, long time, and SoftICE didn't look like something out could just "pick up" and start using quickly - or at least I couldn't.

My feeble brain then caused me to remember my favorite Sesame Street song: "One of these things does not belong..." and at about the same time I remembered this little utility that came with DOS which will compare two files and report their differences. I thought I'd give this methodology a try, not expecting much, but who knows?

The first step was to run a test on a non-passworded file versus a passworded accounting file.

Opening the accounting program, I first created a new company file named XX.ABC, and put in the required default parameters like type of business, location, bank account, etc., saved it with no password, and closed it.

I then created a new company file with the exact same parameters, but added a password, and called this file/company XXP.ABC, and closed it.

O.K., now it was time to see if FC.EXE found anything of use.

I entered the command FC.EXE /? to view the commands, then I entered the command: FC.EXE /B C:\XX.ABC C:\XXP.ABC > FCRESULTS.TXT to generate and store the results.

To view the results I opened the file FCRESULTS.TXT in a text editor to find:

Comparing files C:\XX.ABC and C:\XXP.ABC
000001A0: 00 F5
000001A1: 00 BC
000001A2: 00 FA
000001A3: 00 2F
000001A4: 00 DB
000001A5: 00 88
000001A6: 00 DB
000001A8: 00 A0
000001AA: 00 13
000001AB: 00 D5
000001AC: 00 F0
000001AD: 00 95
000001AE: 00 B5
000001B0: 00 FF
000001B1: 00 0F

Hmm... FC.EXE found a few differences!

Could those differences be the password?  I opened a freeware hex editor, viewed the two new accounting files, and found the following data at the FC.EXE designated offsets:

File: XX.ABC (unpassworded):

Offset        0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F

00000180     3C 00 5A 00 21 C8 21 C8 21 C8 21 CE 00 00 E0 40  <.Z.!.!.!.!....@
00000190     00 00 00 80 00 00 00 41 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00  .......A........
000001A0     00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
000001B0     00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
000001C0     00 00 00 00 00 00 43 6F 6D 70 75 74 65 72 20 44  ......Computer D
000001D0     65 61 6C 65 72 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ealer...........

File: XXP.ABC (passworded):

Offset        0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F

00000180     3C 00 5A 00 21 C8 21 C8 21 C8 21 CE 00 00 E0 40  <.Z.!.!.!.!....@
00000190     00 00 00 80 00 00 00 41 00 00 00 80 00 00 00 00  .......A........
000001A0     F5 BC FA 2F DB 88 DB 00 A0 55 13 D5 F0 95 B5 00  .../.....U......
000001B0     FF 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
000001C0     00 00 00 00 00 00 43 6F 6D 70 75 74 65 72 20 44  .......Computer D
000001D0     65 61 6C 65 72 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ealer............

I decided to zero (00) the following offset of XXP.ABC (below) to make it look like the offset of XX.ABC, the file without the password:

000001A0     F5 BC FA 2F DB 88 DB 00 A0 55 13 D5 F0 95 B5 00
000001B0     FF 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 

So I did and saved the XXP.ABC file in the hex editor.

I opened up the XXP.ABC file in the accounting program and to my surprise an elation, XXP.ABC opened without asking me for the password.

At the very least I was expecting a "File Corrupt" message to be generated but it wasn't, and everything in the new file was exactly how I had created it.

Next, onto the real files!

My feeble brain then sent me some impulses telling me that I should make backup copies of my friend's files and not screw with the originals.  I followed those impulses and then opened up each of the files in my hex editor.

I went to the same offset range noted above and zeroed out the data at the offsets 000001A0 to 000001B1 for each of the real accounting files.

I was then able to open up each file in the accounting program without being prompted for the required password, and all his data was intact and ready for printing.

Thanks to FC.EXE, my friend was able to avoid the time and expense of reentering all the bills for the years in question and was able to send the tax people his expense reports.

Again, I really had no firm idea what I was doing.  I hadn't used FC.EXE before and I've only screwed around with hex editors (hitherto causing more damage to files than anything positive).

As well as not being familiar with "End of File" markers, file system ASCII codes, etc.  I hadn't had the time or inclination to spend in this area, to really figure it all out, beforehand.  This was just a quick and dirty exercise to help a friend.

So that's my experience with FC.EXE, a freeware hex editor, and a simple illustration of what can be done with some of those little utility programs we forget about but that can be so helpful.

I haven't had time to test this system on other passworded programs, but check it out and see what else works with it.

Usual disclaimer: Please, don't use this info for nefarious purposes, only to help people in need.  File names and extensions changed to protect the innocent.

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