Autumn:  The cover for Fall 2004 contained an Asian and Communist-themed propaganda image.

A soldier with a Bell System logo on his cap stands proudly in front of a huge crowd of uniformed marchers who are carrying signs that read "Bell System," "Stop Equal Access," "Alexander," and "KP 121 ST."

All of that referred to the breakup of the Bell System and how it seemed to be slowly piecing itself together again 20 years later.

Equal access was a threat to the old monopoly, Alexander referred to Alexander Graham Bell, and "KP 121 ST" (Key Pulse + 121 + Start) was how a Blue Boxer used to be able to dial an Inward Operator within the Bell System.

There is a Bell logo on a gigantic pin in the sky and the propaganda message reads: "JOIN US AS WE UNITE AGAIN."

The word "PROTECT" appears in the curve on the upper-right of the pin under ultraviolet light.

This cover had one reader accusing us of being "counterrevolutionary," which we found rather amusing.

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